ken collins <kenpc at banet.net> wrote:
>everything is "translated" into TD E/I. after the "translation",
>thing are easily "prioritized" (AoK, Ap5)... the global system is
>configured in accord with this "prioritization" hierarchy (which
>is always multi-modal, and, typically, exquisitely coordinated
>despite this multi-modality ("translating" everything into
>abstract TD E/I makes such "nonchalantly" possible). that which,
>"momentarily" generates greatest TD E/I, is given highest
>"priority"... everything's the "same" with respect to TD E/I,
>and, because of the nervous system's "special topological
>homeomorphism" (the great and small "decussations" and fiber
>crossings, and correlated global Geometry, which preserve the
>body-environment interface within the CNS) TD E/I has, inherent
>within it, the all the activation gradient information required
>to behaviorally "address" (AoK, Ap6) the "prioritization"
>hierarchy... regardless of the "need".
This is an example for your generalizing. What global system are you
exactly referring to, and why should something generating something as
the highest whatever shoud be given priority be me or by someone ways
better trained and ways more bothering in many areas of own central
control aspects. Not everything is the "same" in respect to nothing
subatomically regarded, though it might be similar.
Even if I have two twins they are not the same, though they might be
alike in a lot, and if I have two atoms, they are also not the same,
but still two, if if they both had the same chemical name.
Why should ALL be "translated" to something else.
You are generalizing systems and functions,
and reading your stuff sounds like reading some sense censored
headblinds generalizings and guesses about what is going on the
Some of what you write sometimes is correct, a lot is not correct, and
quite some is using words where you might on and off explain one, but
not the rest.
Like here not going into TD E/l.
>(...)the "prioritization" hierarchy...
if you had bothered to watch it is depending on several systems and
hormones and other stuff and intead of going off about that, you are
generalizing in a way that I am fairly sure that you are not
understanding well about diffferent systems in the head and their
relation to each other.
I know some people who know a bit, too, and are not that willing to
talk about that, but if they bother to indicate about it or directly
talk about it, unlike with you, their data tends to match with my data
and nothing for example in neurology against that.
You are often keeping it utterly vague without systems references,
then go off into using your own terms and more vague theories not
heeding the functions and relations of different systems, and then in
the end put it like you just gobbled knowledge about the brain in big
"spoon-fulls" and were ahead of telepaths, brainsurfers, neuros, dream
system explorers, enlightened ones, magicians and others by far in
Most of the time I have the impression that you know as little as me
about Westie stuff, are near zero on Red Indian, Asian, old Australian
data, drug explorer, MBD, dream sharers and alien communication
systems data concerning human brains, are seeming near zero for most
cultures data of the continents of Earth concerning stuff to do with
the human head, and yet are going off like here with the "good
Like with THE Children where I knew that you are not caring for any
directly all the time yourself and instead make a big mouth in a room
about them, probably not three countries away from Mexico,
and probably not too idiotic if really interested in children to not
know what is going in in Central Africa and some other places, and in
Asian places.
If you would really stand on what you posted, you'd get a job making
you enough money and adopt children, or support "SOS Kinderdoerfer"
("childen villages"), or straight work as a "father" in one and use
the money not for much own stuff, but for children.
You are generalizing areas of the brain, people of regions, children,
humans in general, political problems and other stuff.
To stand on what you post there might flatten it a little more,
but is not bringing a child without parents shot in Middle Amerika
nor removing a dick out of an Asian child prostituting, nor is giving
a child in Africa having watched the parents die of AIDS and having
it, too, a good parent.
I find it remarkable how much you go make big words and how little you
are having the self-criticism to admit that you are egocentric and
lazy enough that you are not out for seriously working your a... off
to help others directly, to adopt children, to not have the time
anymore to be on the computer and babble to people where most are not
interested in what you are saying and many outright find you a
You are not even seeming to enjoy to be a nuisance and an egocentric
nerd, like some others. <};-)=
Among other reasons I like the title Acid Pope 4II because I adore
Popes talking about camels and who goes to Heaven and about loving
others like oneself over their full bellies in palaces like St.
Peter's Dome and with the richness of the Vatican where if all was
sold to the robe of the Pope in auctions to Churches and properties of
the Church in capitals like here and other placees to maybe
contemplate idly how long there'd not be deaths here out of lack of
money on Earth. There is sort of a decadence and dishonesty I admire
in being Pope, and also there is something neat to being of a branch
ignoring so much of the data of Earth or outright fighting the
carriers of it, though the bit with the burning of the data carriers
is these days a little more tricky.
To go on doing philosophies over the own full belly, waste money on
stuff in days where in some other places entire families could live
months from that, and babble off hollow stuff is satisfying in its
decadence and if aspiring to gain the title Your Nerdship for serious,
seems one of many ways befitting.
If at least you had the humour to make fun of yourself and your stuff
would be funny to read at times,
or one had the impression that at least part of the time your are
running one joke after the other within your about yourself and those
around and that you are aware of that part of the time your are just
babbling of to babble off, that might improve it a little.
If asking others to bother to see to you being able to exhibit your
humourless generalizings, errors and verbal diarrhoea,
to pay for your own laziness to get a job and see to having the money
yourself to organize what you want to have organized, etc.,
is crowning it.
Someday maybe make up your melon if you want people to understand you,
use their terms in a way they understand yours easy enough, if you
want to do hard direct work to help ungeneralized others, want to post
your theories here so they can be understood, etc.
or if you just want to make a big mouth like me, while away time,
generalize areas of the brain, people and problems,
enjoy being nerding, use cryptic terms no one is likely to get, and so
It annoys me that you go "good griefing" over stuff where you have
been asked by several here to post the whole load and did not,
and then go on as if everyone and their dog is supposed to know your