Brian Capacity (+shameless plug)

M.J. Stillman stillman at dendwriteNoSpAm.com
Fri May 21 17:35:02 EST 1999

In article <7i4aki$gv5$1 at hecate.umd.edu>, didier at Glue.umd.edu says...
> Eugene Leitl (eugene.leitl at lrz.uni-muenchen.de) wrote:
> : Simon Marsh writes:
> :  > Some neuroscientests estimate that during an average lifespan, a person uses
> : Can you spell 'urban legend'?
> Forget urban legend. If you are writing to a neuroscience newsgroup, can
> you spell "Neuroscientist"? (or Brain in the subject line, for that matter)

Based on the subject line, I was excited to learn how large my friend, 
Brian, had become.  Oh well.

BTW, DendWrite staff know both the English and science for your next 
paper/talk/Ben Stein prep.


Michael J. Stillman, Ph.D.
Senior Writer, DendWrite Communications
Medical/Technical Writing, Editing, & Web Design

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