Gamma-OH in depression:First medical study! Confirms the high anti-depressant properties of GHB/Xyrem,etc

patanie at my-dejanews.com patanie at my-dejanews.com
Thu May 20 20:58:17 EST 1999

La butyrolactone est un precurseur du Gamma-OH...

                               RENEWTRIENT (Butyrolactone)

    The natural alternative in physical and mental

    Butyrolactone to Alleviate the
    Symptoms of Depression

    Dr. Kenneth Cochrane

    RenewTrient Products:

    Abstract: Eighteen volunteers who met DSM-IV criteria for Major
    Depressive Disorder were measured for degree and severity of
    (subjective and objective). Measurement was conducted both before
    after the initial administration of RenewTrient and at monthly
    intervals for a four month period. Volunteers were maintained at a
    standard dosage of RenewTrient during this period. Concurrently, a
    healthy group of ten volunteers were studied under the same
    and administered the same measurements. Healthy volunteers did not
    criteria for Major Depressive Disorder or any other Psychiatric
    Disorder. Results of the study indicate profound positive changes
    in symptomatology and measured pathology upon initial administration
    RenewTrient and over the course of the study. Participants reported
    improved mood (78%); improvement in sleep patterns (70%);
    in quality of sleep (76%); improvement in sexual feelings (44%);
    decrease in anxiety (88%) and increased feelings of well-being
    Several additional and unexpected effects observed by the researcher
    during the study were noted. These effects were not controlled for
    are therefore anecdotal: (1) subjects who were previously unable to
    discuss pertinent issues (grief, loss, early trauma) were able to
    readily discuss and work with these issues while being maintained on
    RenewTrient; (2) subjects were more able to work with visualization,
    meditation and relaxation techniques during the time they were
    RenewTrient; (3) trance induction (for hypnotherapy) was more easily
    accomplished in subjects who were originally resistant to this mode
    treatment. Healthy volunteers differed greatly from the depressed
    volunteers in both the subjective effect of RenewTrient and the
    experienced changes in affect and mood. Most healthy controls
    somnolence (92%) as the major subjective effect of RenewTrient.
    results strongly suggest that the active components of RenewTrient,
    although beneficial to the general population, are particularly
    beneficial to individuals suffering from the symptoms of depression.
    Because of the small sample size and the short duration of the
    suggestions for further research are offered.

     To request a copy of the above research enter your name
                         and e-mail/mailing address.

          Send mail to headdoc at erols.com with questions or comments
about this web site.
                                   Last modified: 4/99
 Confirms the high anti

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