"experiences near death"

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Wed May 19 16:14:32 EST 1999

>> How can you be certain that death equals ceasing to exist? 

IMO a lot ceases to exist and then more and more.

Of course it is not a complete ceasing to exist, then the structures
would all vanish at once or something like that.

Forms of necromancy and some of the mediums are specialized into
communication with dead folks. They are not straight totally gone, but
many functions are gone / deceasing / being eaten up by maggots / ...

...And concerning the less babbling and belief,
if via belief I replace facts with generalized stuff, then I do not
need to babble and wonder about it.

If the Green Forest Spirit made life, destines life and I join it
after death, what do I need to think and babble about life.
The anser to all is 42 anyway (See D.Adams).   ;-)

Apart from that Ken, me and Frank and earlier Cheng are big time
babblers in here at times, and all four of us are having our believes.

Generalizing areas of the brain, memory systems, guessing merrily
about different energy and other functions and sometimes being
fig.lightyears off-shot and yet hopping around on it like facts
or narrowing stuff of the brain to a few facts, a generalized lot and
even more left out completely and then mixing theories in so they fit
some inner want, ...
Different people different belief systems.

Does it really matter if I believe in the Green Forest Spirit, in many
gods, a single god, in that odd energies that pop up when scanning
around within magic in certain forms and seem rather aimed are gods of
Earth or from other places, or believe  that I am the Reincarnation of
the Goddess of Laziness and this is just one of my Earthly
incarnations to make me feel again just how much worrrk sucks, 
or believe into something else?

And let's say you'd know all, absolutely everything that was, is and
is to be.
And you know nearly nothing of what was, is and is to be.

Which one do you find the more interesting existing?


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