Post-Doc position offered

Dr. Emil C. Toescu e.c.toescu at bham.ac.uk
Thu May 20 09:43:40 EST 1999

Brain slice patch-clamp electrophysiologist (2-3 years experience),
preferably with some fluorescence imaging experience is required for a
project on Ca Homeostasis and Mitochondrial Function During Neuronal

The position is funded by the BBSRC Sage Initiative (UK), to study the
relationship between Ca homeostasis, mitochondrial function and free
radical production during the normal process of ageing (TINS, 1998,
21:2). The research will use state-of-the-art neurophysiological
techniques, combining single neuron digital imaging (PentaMax GenIV
camera, Metafluor/Metamorph imaging suite with multiple
excitation/emission control), patch-clamp elctrophysiology and
intra-slice stimulation, providing thus a truly multi-parameter
assessment of neuronal function during the ageing process. The focus
will be on understanding which of the intraneuronal Ca homeostatic
systems are affected, which are the changes in the metabolic potential
of the aged neurons and, by simultaneous measurements, assess the
influences exerted by one another.

The candidate would ideally have already experience of dual
imaging-electrophysiology, and preference will be given to those with a
strong background in patch clamp in brain slices. If you don't have such
expertise PLEASE DO NOT APPLY, as there will be rather little time for
training in elctrophysiology

The position will be available from Summer 1999, will be for 3 years, in
the first instance, and the appointment level (on the UK RAIA scale)
will be decided depending on the experience.

Informal enquiries should be made at this stage to Dr. E.C. Toescu,
Dept. Physiology, The University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham
B15 2TT, tel. (44) 121 – 414 6927; Fax: (44) 121 – 414 6924; e-mail:
e.c.toescu at bham.ac.uk

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