Julian V. Noble wrote on 19 May 1999:
>uj797 at victoria.tc.ca writes:
> [ deleted ]
>>http://sunsite.ust.hk/dblp/db/journals/sigplan/sigplan33.html The ACM
>> -- Association for Computing Machinery -- has published a major meme
>> of the vanquished Project Mentifex in its Special Interest Group SIG-
>> PLAN Notices for Programming Languages by the eminent Paul Frenger MD.
>>>> By the sheer synchronicity of unforeseeable events and the Law of Un-
>> foreseen Consequences, the battle is on again and Mentifex has escaped
>> into the thickets and jungles of a cyberspace dreamed of by A.E. van
>> Vogt, e.e. "doc" smith, Isaac Asimov, George Lucas and William Gibson.
> I believe you are confusing the author of space opera ("Lensman" series)
> with the poet e.e. cummings. Smith capitalized, AFIK. [...]
You may well be right. My paperback copies of the Lensman series --
some have capital letters, some (like the one I grabbed) have lower case.
As an amateur linguist, I am fussy about names, and right now I am
going to "out" a lot of people:
e.e. cummings = Edward Estlin Cummings
Chopin (Polish composer) = Szopen
Maya Angelou (poetess) = Marguerite Johnson
W.C. Fields = William Claude Dukenfield
Forth = a programming language on a system too cramped for "Fourth"
AK-47 = Automatic Kalashnikov-1947
Madonna = Madonna Ciccone (actress)
Mentifex = Oz, the Great and Terrible
V.S. Pritchett = Victor Sawdon Pritchett
Jacob Richter, Ll.D. = fake 1902 name of Lenin using the British Library
WD-40 = Water Displacement, 40th formulation
P.G. Wodehouse = Pelham Grenville Wodehouse.
Now a brief update on Operation Mind.forth DFTHM (direct from the...).
On Fri.30.Apr.1999 I was effectively kicked out of comp.ai inasmuch
as they took the group moderated and so I must boycott their club.
["Boycott" -- isn't that another word based on a British personage?]
Spent the ensuing weekend in a deep depression over lost freedom of
speech, but philosophized, "Something always happens in my AI project."
11(?).May.1999 -- loaded and ran Mind.forth after a 3-month hiatus.
Felt the itch to code more; could not remember "bye" to quit Forth.
15.May.1999 -- idly ran a HotBot search and found a reference by title
to Paul Frenger's Dec.1998 ACM SIGPLAN Notices "Mind.Forth" article.
17.May.1999 -- obtained SIGPLAN photocopy at local university library.
Marvelled at Paul Frenger's depth of understanding and generosity.
18.May.1999 -- re-uploaded the *broad but shallow* Mind.Forth version
described and analyzed by Frenger in SIGPLAN lest readers misconnect:
http://www.scn.org/~mentifex/aisource.html 28.May.1998 Release No. 11.
Posted the initial Usenet article on which this thread is based,
stealing theme from next-day release of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace.
19.May.1999 -- am mentioning in this post that Mind.forth has gone
far beyond the broadly philosphical philo-bloatware version explicated
expertly by Paul Frenger MD with the following result. ACM SIGPLAN
describes a dormantly dead-end version of Mind.Forth, which was
scrapped in November of 1998 in favor of a purely AI version without
any of the philosophic comment screens which Dr. Frenger wrote about.
But it was most gratuitously fortunate that P.F. MD did indeed deal
with the philosophy behind Mind.Forth, because now anyone who cares
may inspect *both* versions, the broad one hinting what is to come, and
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/7256/m-forth.html Mind.Forth AI.