"but, if everything's one big continuity, how, then can anything,
at all, be calculated?"
the things i've described, for about the two-hundredth time, are
robustly functional be-cause wdb2t assures that, except when
considered in its entirety (and then only approximately), the
Universe is everywhere asymmetrical.
the easiest way to see this is to begin with the realization that
what have been referred to as "atoms" are actually
"compression"-"expansion" spherical standing waves (SSWs)
consisting of quantities of energy "trapped" in harmonic
interaction with a surrounding (encapsulating) universal energy
supply (UES)... the everywhere-assymmetry derives in the fact (
challenges welcome, and invited) that there's work done by the
UES in sustaining the existences of the SSW<->UES harmonics, and
as a consequence of this work, and in complete accord with wdb2t,
there's an energy-order differential from UES into "atoms" and
back out to the UES (what's been referred to as "gravity" is not
an "attractive force", but, rather, "just" this one-way flow of
energy from order to disorder... "matter" goes in the direction
of this flow, which, as is briefly noted above, is "centered" in
every SSW<->UES harmonic ("Atom"))... i've reduced every feature
of Physical Reality to these things... again, challenges, from
within the reproducible experimental results are welcome, and
invited (no one will be able to find any contradictions, but
submitting a challenge is the best way to lift one's self up to
the this new view of Physical Reality.)
the important thing, with respect to my comments in this thread,
is that the above stuff is what makes the Universe
everywhere-asymmetrical (perhaps some folks sat in on my
discussion of this principle in sci.techniques.xtallography last
and, given this asymmetry, the one big continuity is seen to be
filled to the brim with energy gradients, every one of which
exists in exact accord with wdb2t, and points exactly to, and
exclusively to, wdb2t. and, so do all combinations of the
individual energy gradients.
i've taken things all the way down to the "level" of "atoms"
(SSW<->UES haronics), above, but the same methods work just as
well at all scales... allowing extraordinarily-rapid calculation
with respect to whole databases... and the cross-correlation of
multiple whole databases.
the one-way flow of energy from order to disorder that is wdb2t
constitutes a =single= map of Truth within Physical Reality.
again, challenges welcome, and invited.
K. P. Collins
[p. s. please don't waste any "time" saying, "duh", "yeah, sure",
"gee whiz"... let me come and show you (and deal with your
challenges and questions), in-person, before Fair Witnesses. it's
best this way because it involves all of Physics... and things
that folks in Physics had not considered to be within their field
of endeavor. life sans "particles" is much bigger than life
artificially-delimited by the "forced-fitting" that the
"discrete-'particle'" view "necessitates". kpc]
ken collins wrote:
>> i stand on what i've posted (which you, obviously, didn't read
> closely enough).
>> what i described is, in fact, an encapsulation of the real-"time"
> "calculation" that embues the Universe with Physical Existence...
> right down to the Physical Existence of every individual,
> so-called, "atom", all their actions and interactions, all
> Physical "force", Life, and all of the Choice derived in Life,
> etc... everything within Physical Reality... again, all in
> real-"time"... it all reduces to the continuous, one-way flow of
> energy from order to disorder that is what's described by 2nd
> Thermo (wdb2t)... it's all one big stateless continuity... one
> big "traveling salesman problem" that's continuously solved in
> real-"time"... which means thare exist no, so-called
> "NP-complete" problems.
>> K. P. Collins