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Recent price changes on the auction
Saturn 1 GCMS lowered to $15,000. Includes 3400 and fully functional ion
trap based GCMS form Varian. This is priced to sell.
Biocad $22,000
Other specials not posted on this site:
Fisons Kevex XRF, 3-5 yrs old, selling 50K
Biomek 2000 1994(approximate)120K new selling 55K
ABI 494 over 100K new selling 65K Excellent condition
If your lab has a number of small or large items which you wish to sell,
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- Recent Arrivals -
Opening Prices
1. Varian SpectraAA 600 Flame $9,750.00
2. Varian SpectrAA 600Z furnace $11,500.00
3. Oil Immersion Microscope $150.00
4. Purifier/Clean Bench $300.00
5. UV/Vis Spectrometer $7,000.00
6. Protein/Peptide Sequencer 477A/PTH Analyzer 120A $9,500.00
7. VWR 1630D Large Ovens $50.00
8. Hand Held Refractometers $245.00
Sale Closing : 5/5/99
Opening Prices
1. Helium Displacement Pycnometer $4,500.00
2. (New)Stereoscope Zeiss Stemi 2000 $2,150.00
3. (New)Zeiss Stemi 1000 stereomicroscope $1,750.00
4. Varian SpectraAA 600 Flame $9,750.00
5. Varian SpectrAA 600Z furnace $11,500.00
6. Waters LC Module 1 HPLC system and Millennium $16,000.00
7. Tekmar 3000 Purge and trap $4,700.00
8. PE Autosystem with dual ECD and autosampler $7,000.00
9. MicroBalance $2,500.00
10. Biocompatible Semi-Prep/Analytical HPLC w/Fraction Collector
11. Biocad Preparative HPLC w/Fraction Collector $31,000.00
Sale Closing : 5/7/99
Opening Prices
1. Varian Saturn 1 GCMS $15,000.00
2. Pharmacia LKB Wallac Liquid Scintillation Counter 1410-001
3. VG 70SE Magnetic Sector GCMS $95,000.00
4. (new)Bright Field Microscope (Achromatic) $1,950.00
5. (new) Leica ATC 2000 full phase microscope $2,700.00
6. HP 5890 A with FID/Integrator 7673A autosampler $8,500.00
7. ISO-DATA 20/10 GAMMA COUNTER $2,750.00
8. Diode Array UV/VIS Spectrometer $6,200.00
9. Solvent Recycler $2,500.00
10. Varian GC-MS with P&T $10,500.00
11. Waters HPLC Photo diode array system $4,800.00
12. Oil Immersion Microscope $150.00
13. Purifier/Clean Bench $300.00
14. Miscellaneous items by the lot $200.00
15. VWR 1630D Large Ovens $50.00
Sale Closing : 5/12/99
Opening Prices
1. Varian Spectra 10 Plus Atomic Absorbtion Flame and Furnace
2. (New)Bright Field Microscope (PLAN) $2,950.00
3. Coulter Counter model STKS $3,950.00
4. Beckman J-21C and JA21 Rotor $3,000.00
6. AutoBalance( new 9 months) $5,000.00
7. Air Cooled Chiller/heaters for mixers and fermentors $4,500.00
8. Prosys Protein Purification system $2,000.00
9. Varian Star 3400 w/FID,PID tekmar2000, data $7,750.00
10. 42 cage Auto waterRat housing Rat racks $200.00
Sale Closing : 5/14/99
Opening Prices
1. HP 5890 GC $8,700.00
2. New Olympus Microscope $1,600.00
3. Polarizing Microscope $1,900.00
4. Phase Contrast Microscope $2,000.00
5. Plate washer $1,760.00
6. (New) Infinity corrected Microscope system $3,900.00
7. Water Jacketed Co2 Dual Stacked Incubator $2,750.00
8. Blecha 120 environmental chamber $4,200.00
10. UV/Vis Spectrometer $7,000.00
11. Protein/Peptide Sequencer 477A/PTH Analyzer 120A $9,500.00
12. Hand Held Refractometers $245.00
Sale Closing : 5/19/99
Opening Prices
1. Beckman DU-7 $3,500.00
2. Beckman Gamma Counter $2,750.00
3. Waters 680 Automated Gradient Controller for HPLC $1,460.00
4. Fluoresence Microscope $4,800.00
5. Superconducting NMR spectrometer $9,500.00
6. Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer (-80c) 20.5 cu ft $2,400.00
7. Waters Gradient HPLC $16,500.00
8. Zymark SPE System $14,000.00
9. ThermoSep HPLC System $14,500.00
10. Quaternary HPLC w/ Data System $20,500.00
11. Fisons MD-800 GCMS $27,800.00
12. Waters PDA system with Millennium $25,900.00
Sale Closing : 5/21/99
Opening Prices
1. Leica Microscope $1,500.00
2. Perkin Elmer AAS2100 Flame AA $12,000.00
3. Lightweight sterilizer $3,600.00
4. Varian GC-3400 $2,000.00
5. Phase contrast Microscope w/camera $4,750.00
6. 20 cubic foot Refridgerator $1,350.00
(c) 1997, Internet Auctioneers International
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