Dear Friend,
Unless you die to your ego it is hardly worth talking about NDE's.
Birth and Death are the experiential boundaries of life (Harry Palmer
...Living Deliberately)
Save your time and focus on life it is so wonderful to be out here and
live in the moment. why worry?
Be happy,
Davor wrote:
>> Hi!
> My name is Davor and I am from Croatia.My question is about "near
> death exspirience".I read how is people with (which had close meeting
> with death),discrabe this like" wonderful exspirience",with all
> phenomenes(you know what I mean).I one study in Croatia I read how is
> people which is had NDE,after that make suicide,beacuse,there are
> understand this like exit from all problems,emotion new exsciting,new
> beggining,etc.I know one man who tray make sucide,beacuse,how he
> said:"When you die, you do not feel anything and all is good".Is NDE
> quilty for all this cases.
> But also I read and I am heard how is NDEin some people change his
> life in better way.There are understand how is only one life,how is
> after death nothing,etc.One my friend which is after wuonded(in
> war),fall in deep coma,and when is wake up(he do not remember
> anything),first thought was:"Thank`s Lord,I am still alive."
> I read about some people who try suicide and had NDE,after that never
> again try to make suicide(there are understand valuable of life).Also
> many people live in poverty ,with furios relationship in own
> family,but never thoght on suicide(not only beacuse religius reasons).
>> After everything what I read and what I heard,where is true?
> If anybody can tell me how is modern science today explaine NDE and
> comment whole my letter,please write me direct on
> e-mail:dbrodara at> Thank you in advance
> Davor
> P.S.Sorry for my bad English