To truly understand the Near-Death Experience (NDE) you need to get away from neurological explanations
and look at spiritual ones. All the empirical evidence points towards a non-neurological basis for NDEs;
indeed, Moody, Sabom, Morse, Ring, et al, have conclusively demonstrated the non-neurological basis for
this after death experience (life after death). You can start out with this excellent website:
IANDS (International Association for Near-Death Studies) is an organization geared towards explaining
both the NDE and it's (mostly) positive afteraffects.
(dbrodara at sk.tel.hr) wrote:
: --------------0C1E5C0F2222EE866ECA94C2
: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
: Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
: Hi!
: My name is Davor and I am from Croatia.My question is about "near death
: exspirience".I read how is people with (which had close meeting with
: death),discrabe this like" wonderful exspirience",with all
: phenomenes(you know what I mean).I one study in Croatia I read how is
: people which is had NDE,after that make suicide,beacuse,there are
: understand this like exit from all problems,emotion new exsciting,new
: beggining,etc.I know one man who tray make sucide,beacuse,how he
: said:"When you die, you do not feel anything and all is good".Is NDE
: quilty for all this cases.
: But also I read and I am heard how is NDEin some people change his life
: in better way.There are understand how is only one life,how is after
: death nothing,etc.One my friend which is after wuonded(in war),fall in
: deep coma,and when is wake up(he do not remember anything),first thought
: was:"Thank`s Lord,I am still alive."
: I read about some people who try suicide and had NDE,after that never
: again try to make suicide(there are understand valuable of life).Also
: many people live in poverty ,with furios relationship in own family,but
: never thoght on suicide(not only beacuse religius reasons).
: After everything what I read and what I heard,where is true?
: If anybody can tell me how is modern science today explaine NDE and
: comment whole my letter,please write me direct on
: e-mail:dbrodara at sk.tel.hr: Thank you in advance
: Davor
: P.S.Sorry for my bad English
: --------------0C1E5C0F2222EE866ECA94C2
: Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
: Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
: <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
: <html>
: <font size=-1>Hi!</font>
: <br><font size=-1>My name is Davor and I am from Croatia.My question is
: about "near death exspirience".I read how is people with (which had close
: meeting with death),discrabe this like" wonderful exspirience",with all
: phenomenes(you know what I mean).I one study in Croatia I read how is people
: which is had NDE,after that make suicide,beacuse,there are understand this
: like exit from all problems,emotion new exsciting,new beggining,etc.I know
: one man who tray make sucide,beacuse,how he said:"When you die, you do
: not feel anything and all is good".Is NDE quilty for all this cases.</font>
: <br><font size=-1>But also I read and I am heard how is NDEin some people
: change his life in better way.There are understand how is only one
: life,how is after death nothing,etc.One my friend which is after wuonded(in
: war),fall in deep coma,and when is wake up(he do not remember anything),first
: thought was:"Thank`s Lord,I am still alive."</font>
: <br><font size=-1>I read about some people who try suicide and had NDE,after
: that never again try to make suicide(there are understand valuable of life).Also
: many people live in poverty ,with furios relationship in own family,but
: never thoght on suicide(not only beacuse religius reasons).</font>
: <br><font size=-1>After everything what I read and what I heard,where is
: true?</font>
: <br><font size=-1>If anybody can tell me how is modern science today explaine
: NDE and comment whole my letter,please write me direct on e-mail:dbrodara at sk.tel.hr</font>
: <br><font size=-1>Thank you in advance</font>
: <br><font size=-1>Davor</font>
: <br><font size=-1>P.S.Sorry for my bad English</font></html>
: --------------0C1E5C0F2222EE866ECA94C2--
Few cats act their age, while most just cough up fur balls.