SIGPLAN Notices 33(12):25-31 (1998) Figure 2: A Mind.Forth Concept
Screen # 87 ram:robot
0 \ Mind.forth is a Unified Theory of Cognition 980414atm
1 \ Hearing Vision Concepts Emotion Robot Output
2 \ /iiiiiii\ /!i!i!i!\ Volition /YYYYYYYYYYYY\
3 \ | ||||||| || ||||||| | T | |||||||||||| |
4 \ | ||||||| || | ___ | | + | |||||||||||| |
5 \ | ||||||| || / \ | + | |S|||||||||| |
6 \ | ||||||| || (image)-|---+_ | |H|||||||||| |
7 \ | ||||||| || \___/ | / \ | |A|||||||||| |
8 \ | ||||||| || | (idea) __ | |K|||||||||| |
9 \ | | ||||| || | \__/------------/ \ | |E|||R|||||| |
10 \ | |d------||---------|---+ ____ (fear)-|--*|||U|||||| |
11 \ | ||||o|| || | +----/ \----\__/ | |||||N|||P|| |
12 \ | ||g|||| || | + / de- \---------|------*|||E|| |
13 \ | || |||| || | + ( ci- ) | |||||||||T|| |
14 \ | ||||||| || | + \ sion /---------|----------*|| |
15 \ | ||||||| || | + \____/ | |||||||||||| |
Computer architects, science fiction writers, students of the mind:
Not so long ago in our own galaxy far away but hurtling hither, war
broke out in the long tranquil Usenet newsgroup between the
established Lords and Fellows of AI and Meek Mindwalker Mentifex.
Of defeated Mentifex there remained only memes of phantom phonemes. The ACM
-- Association for Computing Machinery -- has published a major meme
of the vanquished Project Mentifex in its Special Interest Group SIG-
PLAN Notices for Programming Languages by the eminent Paul Frenger MD.
By the sheer synchronicity of unforeseeable events and the Law of Un-
foreseen Consequences, the battle is on again and Mentifex has escaped
into the thickets and jungles of a cyberspace dreamed of by A.E. van
Vogt, e.e. "doc" smith, Isaac Asimov, George Lucas and William Gibson.
15.May.1999: A HotBot search on Mind.Forth revealed ACM SIGPLAN 33(12).
17.May.1999: is going to re-arm Mentifex with a Compaq PC.
18.May.1999: archives PDAI.