NN formats

ken collins kenpc at banet.net
Mon May 17 19:36:36 EST 1999

and, btw, this sort of system is easily, and vividly, simulated
via an approach that makes use of red, green, blue (RGB) color
mixing to encode "ionic conductances" (in a non-analog machine,
the color representations are still "state"-bound, but, if one
wants to, the calculation can be extended to any degree of
accuracy by just using arbitrarily-long numbers to interpolate
between the 16M color states of a PC, and having a scalable graph
window to display the interpolation).

this system of stateless calculation breaks all, so-called,
"NP-complete" "barriers"... is limited only by global i/o channel
capacities... whole databases can be taken in, and their main
significance, calculated immediately (in linear "time").

K. P. Collins

ken collins wrote:
> the nervous system is stateless... for a crude analogy, imagine a
> leaky system that's structurally dependent upon being inflated by
> bycicle pumps attached to valves attached at various points in
> the system... depending on the momentary inflation, components of
> the system interface differently with each other, and the
> system's outputs vary accordingly.
> in the CNS, ionic conductances, upon which the ability to
> generate action potentials depends, do "exactly" this (only
> there're no "valves"... the ionic conductances are generated as a
> function of ongoing neural and glial activations)... and be-cause
> "charge" varies continuously, the result is a stateless,
> infinitely-configurable, system.
> K. P. Collins
> Sergio Navega wrote:


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