everything is "translated" into TD E/I. after the "translation",
thing are easily "prioritized" (AoK, Ap5)... the global system is
configured in accord with this "prioritization" hierarchy (which
is always multi-modal, and, typically, exquisitely coordinated
despite this multi-modality ("translating" everything into
abstract TD E/I makes such "nonchalantly" possible). that which,
"momentarily" generates greatest TD E/I, is given highest
"priority"... everything's the "same" with respect to TD E/I,
and, because of the nervous system's "special topological
homeomorphism" (the great and small "decussations" and fiber
crossings, and correlated global Geometry, which preserve the
body-environment interface within the CNS) TD E/I has, inherent
within it, the all the activation gradient information required
to behaviorally "address" (AoK, Ap6) the "prioritization"
hierarchy... regardless of the "need".
"to pee or not to pee" is not the question :-) ken collins
David Rowe wrote:
>> just as an aside; would people consider really needing to urinate pain?
>> apparently there are no nociceptors in or on the bladder.
>> Dave