In article <373F2C0E.125A7267 at> Christian Guttmann <x98-cgu at> writes:
>Mhm, I know that this substance improves Actionpotentials, but
>how. What magic kind of stuff is this? How does it exactly work?
...and several questions of similar kind. Sorry, but would it not be
better, if you read an introductory text on neurophysiology first ?
The answers are not likely to be of much help to you. To quote
an old song about Watergate: "...if you didn't know _that_, man,
what else don't you know ?"
Myelin is an isolator formed from cell membranes. It works the
same way as coaxial cable; the nerve impulse traverses the isolated
section as an electrical, rather than electrochemical pulse.
Jarmo Niemi jarnie at utu.fi