Repolarization of an Actionpotentials

Bjoern Brembs bjoern at brembs.net
Mon May 17 01:17:24 EST 1999

Christian Guttmann wrote:

> A repolization implies to have a depolarization first?


> But I don't know which two biophysical mechanism lie behind
> this phenomena?

You have active and passive transportation of ions through membranes (intra-
and extracellularly) in both cases. I would presume that repolarisation
requires more ATP than depolarization. For the exact processes, any
neurobiology textbook should do.

> Is the repolarization important because there can't be
> a backward Actionpotential (running to the opposite)?
> And also the maximum frequency can be limited dependent
> on the actionpotentials, is'nt it?

Japp. The refractory period is the limiting factor for maximum stimulation
frquency and prevents backward propagation of actionpotentials.


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