In article <373F2C0E.125A7267 at>, Christian Guttmann
<x98-cgu at> wrote:
>Mhm, I know that this substance improves Actionpotentials, but
>how. What magic kind of stuff is this? How does it exactly work?
>>Thank you a lot for you help?
>>I really looking forward to here from you!!
Myelin is fat (Schwann cells) that coat an axon the more active it is.
The effect of this insulating fat on the axon's ability to conduct a
signal is similar to the effect of good insulation on a speaker wire. The
signal is less likely to be interfered with by other signals and it is
also less likely to "leak" out before reaching the synapse. I find it
humorous that learning is really just putting fat on in the right places!
gary jasdzewski
gary at