i stand on what i posted. K. P. Collins
Eric wrote:
>> ken collins, addicted to causing pain for all the readers of
> bionet.neuroscience, whether by usenet newsgroup or by neur-sci
> mailing list, let loose his fingers upon the keyboard and wrote
> absolutely nothing while using as many words as was humanly
> possible:
> > case in the larger "point"... the folks who developed the
> > massively destructive, so-called, "nuclear" weapons didn't even
> > know what the, so-called, "'atomic' nucleus" is.
>> They didn't? They knew enough about the nucleus to build
> the bomb. It is true that theory has advanced since then,
> but it is a worthless waste of time to denigrate people
> for not knowing every little bit about the theory that is
> known now, more than 50 years later.
>> However, in this case, you are probably talking about some
> pet hallucination of your own about the atomic nucleus that
> bears little or no resemblence to reality.
>> > who cares that the ignorance, inherent, flouts Truth, and, so,
> > can only accelerate TD E/I?
>> I think you have something with that TD E/I. Anytime you wish
> to cover your ignorance, invoke the mythical, magical TD E/I
> to attempt to bedazzle everyone with your nonsense. It's working.
> Everyone is now convinced you speak nothing but nonsense.
>> > good grief, folks've become so familiar with upwardly
> > accelerating TD E/I that even the thought of its absence
> > "frightens" them... everything's inverted (AoK, short paper, App
> > 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)... and its continuance is "cause for
> > celebration"... it's all inside-out, upside-down, and backward...
> > "inverted".
>> You should advertise TD E/I on late-night television (just after
> the Ginzu knives commercial and before the
> 900-talk-to-18-year-old-girls commercials). You might even get
> some buyers, especially if you charge $19.95.
>> Eric Johnson
>> --
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