Chemical synapse: What happens there?

Christian Guttmann x98-cgu at nada.kth.se
Sun May 16 15:18:15 EST 1999

The question is how can an action potential, which  reaches the
presynaptic terminal of a chemical synapse, cause a transmittor

My answer would be:
If this happens, the vesicels in the synapse would get closer to the
membran, fusionate, release most of there transmitters and
finally getting back to the intracellular area.
Right or Wrong?

Another question: What is the difference between excitatory and
inhibatory transmittor(examples)? And what determines if a
cell has the excitatory or inhibitatory effect?

I think the first questions could be that, i.g. Serotonin and glycin are

inhibitatory transmittors and petins, like endorphine are excitatory???
Second questions ????

Do you have an answer?

Christian Guttmann          Mobile Tel. : +46-(0)70 414 99 76
Professorsslingan 19-119    Email       : guttmann at gmx.de
10405 Stockholm             Home Page   : www.student.nada.kth.se/~x98-cgu/

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