Cijadrachon wrote:
> Sorry, am on trip, and verbal going off.
Mir ist vom Lesen schon ganz anders... :-)
> But I am a brain vampire and a nerd.
IOW, I should keep you at a distance?
> You understand?
Die Worte habe ich schon verstanden, glaube ich. Aber die Sätze...
> For me the question is not so much the letters that can be made with
> the machines output but input.
> Sorry, I am on LSD and the language structures wishes too off-line.
Des Eindrucks kann man sich nicht erwehren... :-)
> But think about this, O.K.?
I'd like to hear your sober ideas on that.
> I mean it; I am brainvampire enough and used hundreds of brains
> shareware and programmed me in, and know enough into magic and machine
> stuff tol get some of the discussions going on where cybermagic is
> concerned here.
I've always wanted to learn more about magic. But I'm rather a beginner
and a Westie one too, I'm afraid. But I'm very open minded, I think. See:
Ich glaub' ein bisschen Phantasie hab' ich auch, wenn's das braucht.
> The concern is not the output and what is possible there but the input
> and what is possible there.
Input to the brain? Telepathy?
> That not just cancer can be tuned in, patterns telling the sectors
> emotions, telling them hardware alteration commands and other stuff,
> but so much, that among us telepaths making friend fights in our
> brains at times none of us is overly out to find out how far exactly
> this could be done measurable vai satellites as well.
Cool idea. I'll try to dream of you tonight. Tell me if it worked, please.
> But then again, if you are not a criminal you have nothing to hide, do
> you?
Nope. Welcome to my brain! Please come in and feel comfortable. My brain
is your brain.
> Give your fingerprints in states of the states for a driving licence
> and next your brainprints.
No thanks. I have nothing to hide but I have also nothing to publish.
Bis denne,