To Dag
Simplified 4 means head's energies, just that it is little good
because probably I can't get 10 for such (and don't ask me what that
Simplified it was more meant to imply that there are some other odd
ways that as MBD LSD teacher I'd try first, though I doubt their
In the very unlikely case it had interested him for serious I believe
he would have said so and come here.
It was not meant for you, Dag, nor your abuse of other mammals for
And I find it remarkable that experimenting on others against their
will is O.K. for you, but you yourself would not want it for you,
though you want data of others who assented for letting others
experiment with them or did so with themselves or/and both together
with each other.
If you believe that in Berlin among practicers of magic perceiving and
some other stuff
it is custom that someone who finds himself too fine for the dirt work
and keeps slaves to abuse them for what he wants to find out,
here gets the results of others works served to his table,
there must be some thinking errors in part of your cholinergic limbic
(And no, I have no interest to tell you which ones I am referring to
exactly so you can mess there in the mice you keep prisoners,
apart from that I do not know all about the brain either, to the
Apart from that, with people like you I guess I could go "second face
& "hellsehen" in the old meaning, transcending perception, remoted
prestages to enlightenment of the head, "seeing", third eye, occipital
link-through & akasha surfing, ...
and could try for different terms to do with magic perceiving
that are directly to do with it or remotely have to do with it,
and it would be in vain, as you are a sense censored Westie.
Within magic most here would not even ask much verebally but ask me
magically. How do you want to discuss magic if not magically?
To talk about magic with words is like trying to describe waves by
You just want magic discussed in words because no one renetted your
brain for magic and therefore you do not understand.
If I were to tell you that level three is a subatomic data access
level to the occipital cortex and level four is to do with that way
getting data to the other's occipital cortex and other systems about
energies around in the room, that would be words that might never
really make you understand, and I suspect to understand is not the
aim, or in your age you would know what I meant there and in some of
that stuff be several decades ahead of me, especially in sleep and
healing ranges.
Maybe in Finland like here practicers of magic do have a low opinion
of those considering themselves too fine for experimenting to do with
themselves, but doing so with others who do not even assent,
and those not too fine for running some rather tough experiments (here
up to someone on the floor and off for a while, damages for hours and
maybe even days; don't know how far within magic experimenting they go
in Finland, but also they... ) might not be willing to let some
science snob in and serve him the data with a silver tray
I guess preferably to him in words of his branch.
(Likely not even so he gets the use for it within healing, but so he
can make little notches on some inner list if what the other one just
said was nonsense or not.)
Maybe you could read the headline, and if you have so much better help
in store offer it, instead of criticizing stuff you do not even
understand of my branch or another where you are not even
understanding a 10 000th compared even just to the little I understand
of your branch. The references I made personally I regard as important
ones, both that with the hands and that there is another way that I
would use, and I do not recall advertising them as THE solution, but
more as something if nothing else is found.
I indicated straight that I do not believe that I can help, and maybe
you confuse that with me saying "ey, get your wife and yourself here
for some LSD trips one and off and I change stuff in your brains so
you can understand what I meant there and program her level four and
you towards white magician so you can alter in her head" or some such
One can practice the one with the hands running a hand over own energy
fields closer and more away from the body and then with the other one
start with hands and legs and stay away from organs in the start, and
then go for where it hurts very slowly and carfully, not trying to
disturb energies too much, and sense the energies over the sites where
it hurts and over others and compare.
Later might with some also come understanding how to alter in a good
way, but this is an art, and mistakes can increase damages and pain,
and I did not say that it is something that one learns overnight
that is totally undangerous and THE solution for every problem there
is on Earth.
Like what the person who described the hand stuff to me
all does I could not all do myself I believe.
Maybe hardly any of it.
What I mentioned was just a tiny little bit of his skills.
I find it remarkable that you are not knowing him, obviously did not
even bother find out if in a case like this it could be used to track
problems to areas causing it and maybe by also sensing disturbances in
areas above help locating sites better and check for this in neuro
books, and maybe even use it when more skilled with lowering pains a
bit or helping in other forms, and yet straight have to criticize it
as if I had said it is THE great method to try,
and find it remarkable that you are not even coming up with anything
better, nor at least a constructive criticizm saying that if I made
errors where they are.