Don't know.
My magic teacher had an old T.V. that in the start would make patterns
and strips for a long time and I saw him use it to make patterns with
I tried it and got shrot of brainfried.
He said (IF I recall right) he does not tune in like I tried, but
outside around and said that in the back dowbn upwards about one third
there is sort of an energy firing thingie and that if tuning for that
one one can use that to make the patterns he did.
I tired that but never got it.
Could get some minor patters straight sending into the thingie, and
going for cancer prealert could tune with different areas of the brain
differeent patterns into the thingie, which I thought rather cool,
though highly unhealty.
I always thought that since I sam optically basically handicapped if
thingie not even built for that were replaced by one of the Lithium
photon cubie thingies in advanced forms or even better send a hoard of
praacticers of magic through some communications research places and
let them play with the stuff what they might come up, just what they
might come up with might be satellite control for me myself in my
Sorry, am on trip, and verbal going off.
But I am a brain vampire and a nerd.
For all I know to alter a human brain for firing powers of several
meters into some technical device can be done by MBDs like me within a
few LSD sessions, and we can zark the data in sectorwise if we want
The thingie is more, what if for example here in Germany after 2 wars
and with the Reps up to 10 % at times in some places and the asylum
places burning the old quarrel between the Christian rulers and the
practicers of magic was burried and we'd say no problem, we magic
folks sort of magically renet you the physics institute up to data
with current German magic...
Let me tell you from me old brain vampire, that you would not want
those of Earth who want to rule to understand what I old nerd
brainvampire found me out in other brains alone via satellites.
I tried to ask what meme or some word like this means but did not get
the answer, but so I do not have the words, but simplified if I
program me into other human shareware there are common energy
patterns for all of my genetic kind and for some of Africa or Sinti or
some others I need some altered ones, and then I there stufff reacts
to my command up to me getting registration for HARDARE alteration
real fast with hell of a subatomic speed once I use the right
interfacings (to be more correct transfacings) on a sense enhancer
like LSD.
You understand?
My last serious magic brqain energies perceiving trainingspartner on
LSD and LSA was the kind I used black magic against him sometimes,
because though I usually find this too much against my honor his
central he himself was so off-shot (and he told me straight he might
and he did kill himself) that at times I tuned him busy with some
stuff and then chatted with several other sectors in his brain past
the own other own I.
As such I perceive no reason why what I did there should not be
possible with machines as well.
The neuros are getting the hippocamapal target data for the satellites
For me the question is not so much the letters that can be made with
the machines output but input.
Sorry, I am on LSD and the language structures wishes too off-line.
I need to get off this monitor for the cancer rate gets too high at
the moment with LSD for me.
But think about this, O.K.?
I mean it; I am brainvampire enough and used hundreds of brains
shareware and programmed me in, and know enough into magic and machine
stuff tol get some of the discussions going on where cybermagic is
concerned here.
The concern is not the output and what is possible there but the input
and what is possible there.
That not just cancer can be tuned in, patterns telling the sectors
emotions, telling them hardware alteration commands and other stuff,
but so much, that among us telepaths making friend fights in our
brains at times none of us is overly out to find out how far exactly
this could be done measurable vai satellites as well.
But then again, if you are not a criminal you have nothing to hide, do
Give your fingerprints in states of the states for a driving licence
and next your brainprints.
Just satellite control to prevent crime, you understand.
Big Brother is watching YOU.
You yourself in your brain.
Your areas.
To be hardware altered vibed.