Duplex Feedback with Reinforcement

oleg_goryunov at my-dejanews.com oleg_goryunov at my-dejanews.com
Sun May 16 08:01:21 EST 1999

	 DFR - Duplex Feedback with Reinforcement
    communication people, animals etc by electric impulses

          was written by Oleg M. Goryunov in February 1997

    It is known some companies try to find ways of communication of
computer with brain so far not very successfully. About twenty years
ago I made up how do it. The idea is simple enough. At first the place
of the computer should be taken another brain (B). Connecting an
of B1 with an outlet of B2 and an outlet of B1 with an entrance of B2
got the duplex feedback. (Any point of brain can be treated as an
or as an outlet.)
    To transmit information from B1 to B2 it is necessary the subject
B1 get it and the subject with B2 issue some result and when the result
right both B1 and B2 must get positive reinforcement, when result is
- negative or neutral one.
    Have learning the impulsation in the wires connecting B1 and B2 we
would replace B1 or/and B2 by a computer modeling the brain.
    In another scheme a computer generates symbols of an electric
and B2 tries to recognize them getting the reinforcement.
    The Olds' experiment can be used with DFR such way. The entrances
both B1 and B2 are chosen in the centers of positive reinforcement of
the brains. The outlets should take with the neutral reaction when the
entrances get impulses in the Olds' scheme. B1 and B2 will exchange
information if the impulsation in the wires, connecting them as well
as in the first scheme, increase.

    Added at 03.26.99. The second scheme would work also vice versa i.e.
a computer issues signals of positive reinforcement to a brain when the
brain generates waited pattern in response to a certain stimulation.

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