
Eric eric at GRUVER.NET
Fri May 14 12:17:29 EST 1999

ken collins, addicted to causing pain for all the readers of
bionet.neuroscience, whether by usenet newsgroup or by neur-sci
mailing list, let loose his fingers upon the keyboard and wrote
absolutely nothing while using as many words as was humanly
> case in the larger "point"... the folks who developed the
> massively destructive, so-called, "nuclear" weapons didn't even
> know what the, so-called, "'atomic' nucleus" is.

They didn't?  They knew enough about the nucleus to build
the bomb.  It is true that theory has advanced since then,
but it is a worthless waste of time to denigrate people
for not knowing every little bit about the theory that is
known now, more than 50 years later.

However, in this case, you are probably talking about some
pet hallucination of your own about the atomic nucleus that
bears little or no resemblence to reality.

> who cares that the ignorance, inherent, flouts Truth, and, so,
> can only accelerate TD E/I?

I think you have something with that TD E/I.  Anytime you wish
to cover your ignorance, invoke the mythical, magical TD E/I
to attempt to bedazzle everyone with your nonsense.  It's working.
Everyone is now convinced you speak nothing but nonsense.

> good grief, folks've become so familiar with upwardly
> accelerating TD E/I that even the thought of its absence
> "frightens" them... everything's inverted (AoK, short paper, App
> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)... and its continuance is "cause for
> celebration"... it's all inside-out, upside-down, and backward...
> "inverted".

You should advertise TD E/I on late-night television (just after
the Ginzu knives commercial and before the 
900-talk-to-18-year-old-girls commercials).  You might even get
some buyers, especially if you charge $19.95.

Eric Johnson

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