
ken collins kenpc at banet.net
Thu May 13 21:03:10 EST 1999

ken collins wrote:

> ...all the while, spurred on by the ever-augmenting TD E/I, the
> weapons of war have become "only" more-deadly...

case in the larger "point"... the folks who developed the
massively destructive, so-called, "nuclear" weapons didn't even
know what the, so-called, "'atomic' nucleus" is.

"Build those bombs!"

who cares that the ignorance, inherent, flouts Truth, and, so,
can only accelerate TD E/I?

good grief, folks've become so familiar with upwardly
accelerating TD E/I that even the thought of its absence
"frightens" them... everything's inverted (AoK, short paper, App
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)... and its continuance is "cause for
celebration"... it's all inside-out, upside-down, and backward...

K. P. Collins

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