John wrote:
[a discussion on "pain"]
btw, what's been referred to, nebulously, as "dissociation" is
"just" the dynamics inherent in the "volitional
diminishing-returns decision" (AoK, Ap7)... it's all "just" TD
E/I-minimization in which relatively short-term, relatively
small, TD E/I(down) is "chosen" over relatively long-term,
relatively large TD E/I(down)... it's all "just" the most
wonderful stuff inherent in the biology, through "choice", being
relegated to the garbage heap... can one not Choose to lift such crushing-ness?'s superficially "easy"... "just" go for short-term TD
...only thing is, wdb2t being, in all things Physical, what it
is, opting for short-term TD E/I(down) "just" assures long-term
TD E/I(up)... never-failingly... it's gone on, like this, since
the beginning... the only "brakes" being employed being the
low-level supersystem configuration mechanism... and that has
always taken the form of war's slaughter...
...all the while, spurred on by the ever-augmenting TD E/I, the
weapons of war have become "only" more-deadly... one needn't be a
brain scientist to see, if only one looks, that, unless the cycle
of abdicating cognition to amygdalar inversion (AoK, Ap5), it's
all a Dead-End... literally.
K. P. Collins (ken)