
ken collins kenpc at banet.net
Thu May 13 19:48:25 EST 1999

John wrote:

 [a discussion on "pain"]

consider the accounts of individuals, having Loved ones trapped beneath
overturned vehicles. they "ignore" all of the pain derived in the tearing of the
musculature inherent in lifting the vehicles to save their Loved ones...

...some "wrecks" just happen in relatively slow-motion.

after what needs to be done is done, there's "time" enough for "pain"... if
there isn't, by definition, it doesn't matter, does it?

the "status quo", in which folks, so as to gain "profits", "choose" blindness
with respect to Children being victimized, is the chief example of

"pain" hurts... so what? experiencing Loved ones having Life crushed out of them
hurts more.

ken collins

[this "indignant" response because the subject has been dealt with repeatedly,
including in AoK... the discussion was "dissociated" from any response... such
is the work of the "Beast", alive within flesh of nervous systems... the
crushing "weight" crushes still. forgive me while i Choose to lift it a bit.

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