To Dag.
"Can't really help you" (probably with what followed much) does not
mean that the methods that follow are meant as first prime thingie to
do, and I believe that it was obvious to most that they were more
meant as a reference to complicated energy altereation methods of
someone else and the thought that if I had no other way I might
carefully try those. Though at mistakes it can get worse instead of
I did not adveretise to prefer them over all other methods, but what I
wrote was meant as pointing out a way if nothing else was found that
is better that might for someone sensitive and wise enough (else it
might make it worse) in energy steerings be a way to try.
If you want to give your mustard over what I wrote
I'd appreciate it if you could at least get far enough to learn what
the author Carlos Castaneda refers to as "seeing",
and if you are criticizing something of you could point out the errors
and say how it really is or your theories about that.
>> (As MBD LSD teacher I'd try something else first with my partner,
>> who's about level 4 on such, ...
...In what I wrote there MBD means that likely you'd not understand
what I might try to do with my partner if we had those problems,
unless you are MBD direction autism similar enough to follow that
inside. LSD teacher is refering in this case to that it are highly
advanced skills within LSD teaching that are needed there, and where
as an LSD starter not very advanced it is not likely you would
understand much more about it than someone not far in chemistry about
complex chemical experiments where the first steps are known together
with their results and then come experiments where theree arae
assumptions about the results but not knowledge.
Level four is similar to primitive basics of what Carlos Castaneda
refers to as "seeing", but without the dream ranges,
and with brain energy ranges Carlos Castaneda seems not familiar with
that here are used within aksha surfing with another brain.
>>Er - what scale is that level 4 part of? Is 4 good or bad?
Depends. Some are very far in it, some are not.
If you can drive a car, is that good or bad?
Simplified three of the categories of people interested in me LSD
teaching are those scared of crashing on LSD, those into magic and
some verey few interested in LSD as a serious profession.
For the latter I tend to use a difficult and complex teaching system
that is different from the others, so actually there are several
The one where the four is of is to do with a teaching system for
people who are into a hurry to get stuff about magic.
The levels are like energy knowledge and tuning skills, and with one
you can learn two and with two you can learn three and with three you
can learn four ...
Simplified if you don't know how to steer through ranges how do you
want to tune for neocortex ones of someone else, and if you can't do
that, how do you want to get at occipital energy data of the other,
and if you can't get there, how do you want to get at loads of energy
data about the room around, etc.
>Dag Stenberg (who has to assess examination papers and uses 0 to 3 or 0
>to 6, the 0 being really bad. Sometimes I would prefer the scale:
>"trash", "not good", "so-so", "adequate", "nice", "excellent").
Shows some of the differencees between our branches.
But actually I am nerd enough to find the idea hilarious.
Like Westie school praising the fast and depressing those not that
fast and discouraging them.
Should introduce that one in my teachings,
and widen it for the double zero, but no adding a seven allowed.
If telling someone that he is a zero I guess I could give them single
zeros they can collect and stick in pairs to the according doors, and
below the papers where I state that he is a zero for me, I might add
that from now on he may call me "your nerdship".
No Dag, though I like to be a nerd, LSD is not the kind of drug where
to make someone feel zero is wise.
Also it tends to discourage people in learning and slows them, and I
have to share part of their moods if not wanting to tune that out,
so what would I have of that.