>> As total layman be aware that neuroscientists are sense censored alike
>> Catholic fashion and therefore tend to try to reduce important
>> functions in the brain to generalized neurons
>>Hi again. Have you read any Sperry yet?
Hi again. Are you still sense censored?
Feel free to drop by with a copy of Sperry, preferable the halves
stuff, though.
>Wee-ell, think of the guys with corpus callosum lesion, they did have
>partly two minds in one brain.
How is the hippocampus connected?
What is the corpus callosum connecting?
>> I do not know all of the brain, but of what I perceived to an extent
>> there is only one that is conscious AND can think, though there is
>> another conscious one and another thinker.
>>Oh, oh. Maybe I should have known this idea from your previous postings;
>that does seem to me a very strange thought. So you mean that you have
>three entities in your brain: one thinks+ is conscious, one only thinks
>and one is only conscious?
I have not thought about them as entities yet.
The other conscious one is an entity, yes.
The other thinker MAYBE could be regarded so, though I feel hesitnt
about it, because to me the other thinker does not register as having
come far enough into the thinking to arrive at "I sequence motorics,
therefore I am." I'd say the sequencer might be the prestage of
conscious (bewusst).
I am also not so sure about the mening of entitiy.
Maybe it would be more precese to say the other conscious one is a
who, but the sequencer is not a who for me.
The sequencer is remotely like another big CPU for me, if I were to
try to translate if for a computer.
The sequencer is very much like a computer that can think a little.
It's thinking seems usually to do with supervising motoric sequences
and with some other stuff.
> with the admission of course that schizophrenia exists (in one
>brain with one consciousness).
I do not understand.
We mammals have all at least two consciousnesses for all I know, so
who is schizo with having just one?
I am not familiar with the non-mammal kinds that much.
Us mammals we would likely be dead if we had one of the
consciousnesses missing, they are very very important for existing for
I believe you must be confusing something.
All those I met into hallucinating had of course the common mammal
consciousnesses, but there are energy differences, and hallucinating
ranges, and the last brain I linked on trip with was so powerful in
not being able to discern between hallucination and reality, that I
seaid several times out loud that to link with him was like a game
with schizophrenia for me (especially since another brain I before
linked energies with often already messed up hell of a lot of my
discerning according ranges powers), and afterwards I had hell of an
error rate.
Might take me a whilee to fix that, and I hope I can fix that.
(Guess I should invite me one of the non-hallu brains for a trip or
several and keep fluxing a while with that one or seomthing like
> Also, I do not accept without serious doubt that one can know very
>much of the brain without studying neuroscience in the traditional,
>Westie way.
I could say the same about telepathy and non-Westie ways.
Neuroscience is interesting for a lod of physical detail data above
subatomic level and for operation physically cutting around.
>It is also impossible to study facts about the brain without
>having to read about findings that were collected while imprisoning
>and studying persons of other species.
Magic has for thousands of years used direct accessings of energies of
the other brain, and their experts over distances of hundreds and
thousands of kilometers, and I doubt that in the last thousands of
years to read about such was required. If wanting to know about
others, they might have been flying with birds, been running with(in)
mammals and gone for other fascinating energy merges with distantly
related minds, where my energies feel odd at the mere thought of
tuning there, and where I feel high admiration for the distances and
the tuning skills required for that.
I believe more that the high mental arts of Earth are so much beyond
you, that you are finding to injure someone a better way than to merge
with him in order to understand him.
You are seeking a different, violence based data.
Among practicers of magic it is more common to be in sorts of
friendships with minds of other mammals and birds one is intersested
in, and the idea was usually not to shred them but to perceive with
them and about them.
I heard a story from Australia, where someone was amazed that
Aborigines knew about the death of some with pale skin in another
place and said birds told them.
Like that I mean, the Westies do not get how the birds can tell, and
there is no point to tell them how the birds can tell.
That would be like trying to tell someone who can't read that a book
told one about someone living a long time ago.
He'd stare at the book and not get how this thing can tell, because it
can't speak.
Maybe such tradition linking between advanced practicers of magic and
some other mammals and birds is a way of usage, too, for example to
get data about stuff happening in other places, but there the data is
for a different purpose and does not include imprisoning the other or
maiming the other, but more tends to be based on a mutual curiosity
and something like a friendship base.
> It is, however, possible to learn
>a lot about the brain without personally getting involved in the
>imprisonment and abuse of persons of other species, and I will certainly
>accept learning derived in the indirect way, by reading the literature.
Different people(s) have different ways.
If my brain interested me in my LSD brainsurfer times then of course I
wanted to know about my brain and not other, different brains.
If non-MBD brains interest me I prefer on trip to ask if I can
brainvampire a little for their energies, just a tiny itsibitsy. ;-)=
But some of this neuro detail data stuff is also interesting for me.
> Most animal experiments are not cruel,
Sure man, they are not in cages, they are having a nice natural life,
and nothing is done to them against their will.
I guess when an ape gets the arm cut off to check if something in the
brain might grow a few centimeters, if a bird or cat get sliced around
in their eyenerves till they are blind, if electric current is set to
cages of rats very often and then they are killed to check some stuff
in t them and so on, all of this is nothing to do with cruel
whatsoever, as little as slicing a cat's brain alive into slices till
the cat is dead or making a wire around a part iof a rabbits brain and
through holes in the skull make the loop tighter every day till the
brainpart and the rabbit is dead.
They are so happy about that, they are voluntarily going into the
cages and offering their hippocampal and other areas for energy
measurings, slicings, and so on.
Man, I guess you are even kind enough to first zark them off with soe
drug before you kill them, and that of course energy measurings in the
thalamus you were talking around were done in some superkind way where
basically hardly any disturbings of the areas around and that area
were done.
If it was that harmless, why don't you let yourself put into some cage
of testers of another land and let them go Mengeleing at you. If it
Your human data would be closer to the kind than that of other kinds.
If it were that harmless you'd do it with human volunteers, and you
yourself would be the first to offer so.
Why don't you do your thalamus energy measurings in yourself.
You are having less guts than the maso-sado front in their injurings,
and you are abusing others of other kinds similar enough to us because
to do a lot of that would to a human would be considererd a crime by
the laws of your land and that for a reason.
And the others are impirsoned in cages because else they would run
from you and your violence.
>(...) man puts his needs before that of animals when performing animal
Man is an animal, and other animals than other are having men, too.
But I guess since the number of human males injuring other males not
their kind is higher than the number of women doing so, there might be
a point in pointing out "man".
>> So stay aware within all that energy measuring that they never got to
>> understand many of the subatomic aspects nor many of the energies of
>> the brain for which several other peoples of Earth are having most
>> data (experts from India, Red Indians, Australia ...),
> ^^^^
>Uh, do you REALLY have to call that "data"??
For me it is the most fascinating data of Earth, key data to
understanding more about Earth and space, and among the greatest
research results of Earth, data of thousands of years, and awesome to
someone with so limited parallel wave data uptake and processing
capacities like my systems and so chaotic MBD-seeming energy steering
What your branch is doing is seeming utterly limited in comparison.
But let me guess, you are the First World around the sun, and the data
of the third world around the sun of thousands of years of the peoples
of Earth is not data because your branch did chose to ignore it and
did not arrive there to prove it itself.
And therefore for you it is not data and no one else is to call it so.
>I do not want to quarrel, but rather to indicate disagreement, for the
>benefit of innocent readers who may not be able to understand the abyss
>between Westie thinking and involvement with akasha (?)
It is not quarreling to me.
People ruling and Catholics murdered people of the old belief and
forbade to use the senses needed for magic.
As a result the rate of dead people in wars flared and magic used to
become a secretly practiced craft.
Today the ruling force the children to their schools here and try to
sense censore them and the non-sense censored are not giving the
ruling and their systems branches more data to control others and give
them more powers than they are already trying to force upon people.
The ruling try to imprison some of the practicers of magic using sense
enhancers and might persecute if they use old healing ways and are not
going for the ways of the ruling, and the persecuted ones are
practicing in secret, are perceiving each other by their energies, and
here many have leearned to exchange hell of a load of data in the room
with some sense censored Christian or/and Westie, without the sense
censored one even getting what is going on, as there might be zero
verbal communication in the whole.
The abyss is there and is wanted by both sides.
I never met a serious practicer of magic interested removing the abyss
nor a serious Westie interested in removing the abyss.
LSD teaching is just between both, though closer to the magic
as the person inventing it was a Westie, and it is a Westie drug, but
the similarity of the drug to mescal, shrooms and other sense
enhancers makes a lot of the data how to use sense enhancing drugs be
with the non sense censored folks, especially serious practicers of
So the abyss for those into LSD is not as much there as for some
Westie in his own Frist World in the universe not understanding most
of the energy data of the peoples of Earth of the third world around
the sun and being proud to be sense censored, nor as much as for many
of those into magic who are against sense censored Westies and their
rulers "ancestors" fighting the magic branches up to plain murdering
their memebers and today by prisons and in other ways.
I guess the trips guides and trip teachers might more be concerned
with symbolic inner abysses blastered up with LSD.
Among our central tasks tends to be to see that people don't crash
inside. We are guides and teachers helping newies with inner abyssess
and balance alterations between areas on LSD.
(...And no, neuro, I do not feel like telling you where to stick your
trodes in the own I areas of others.
How about you simply regard it as unscientific fantasies.
And go on nobely aSperrying.)