New Intelligence

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Wed May 12 08:10:52 EST 1999

>But I don't see what connection enlightenment has to magic. 

IMO practicing transcending perception is prestage to enlightenment
and to extend own energies into other energies and alter something
there. Similarity in training for both.

> It seems to me that enlightenment has nothing whatsoever to do with anything else in
>this universe that we might name.

It seems to me that transcending towards enlightenment is one of the
oldest arts of Earth and has very much to do with what is perceivable
for us humans without technical stuff in the universe.

(Some might go as far as to say it is THE art that is connecting you
with what IS, and and among the most powerful connections into the
universe a human can attain, espially if after communicating with
others in the universe or the Buddhas of other times or others.)

I guess we are having different opinions about this.

BTW, I got a fast one for the cancer prealert bitsy: 
With head areas tune on transcending ranges into some old running
Usually seconds are sufficient to send several sectors cancer alert
flaring big time with me for mintues afterwards still.

If you want it real brutal, tune for the monitor as if you wanted to
tune for another brain when exchanging transcending data directly.

>(...)  and it were "shared" with the many, do you
>think that the many would See? 

I believe that this question is too complex for me to answer at the

>Like a mass awakening to what Life is all about?

I do not generalize life the way you do.

>Life would not continue in its great expansion and evolution here, IF
>the many didn't consider their little part in the big game as serious
>and important. 
 I believe it would all the more if some life forms never had started
to consider such, and one kind killed so many other kinds forever off
this planet and so many thousands now, 
multiplying like some parasites without opponents other than the own
kind and some illnesses.

>Only a few people even have the potential to Understand.

To understand what exactly?

I certainly don't understand how to visualize a row of houses here, 
however when thinking about why in magic perceiving I seem to have so
little colours in the other ranges, there is some understanding about
what I call the sequencer in the brain often having eye control and
being central navigator with independent learning and storing, 
colour seeming to play little of a role usually.

Maybe if I had more data processing capacities I would not need to
daata jump so much and optics and motorics would not be so much too
much for me and I could stay linked with them longer.

Then I might have more eye-control and with better abilities in
neocortex areas might also (if I were more often in navigation
control) be able to visualize a row of houses or stuff that within
magic is more interesting for me.  

But no longer having to jump in the brain and with such visualizing
powers I might not sector perceive anymore as well, and hallucinate
even more than now after linking with a few brains who do such a lot
too often on trips.

Often to understand one, to understand the other seems not possible to
me the same way.

If I net out stuff in my brain and build me sort of data highways for
one setting, than for this setting maybe I can run very special stuff,
but others make other settings, and also there are genetic
differences, so they could understand other stuff the way I can't.

Maybe this is also why akasha surfing with other brains on LSD, 
which you might call going for transcending perception together, 
is fascinating me like little else.

>And even if the Secret of Life could be written down in a
>verbal phrase or something, they still would not see it.


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