to save a mockingbird

ken collins kenpc at banet.net
Thu May 13 15:38:32 EST 1999

ken collins wrote:[...]

> i ask those in Leadership positions, who have the understanding, to
> use it in their decision making... respond to stuff that elevates TD
> E/I with decisions that "soften, and absorb, the blow" (nothing more
> is necessary, and deciding this way will bolster your own positions,
> while, simultaneously, winning a reprieve for the chances of
> Peace)... respond to stuff that decreases TD E/I with decisions that
> strengthen the actions that led to the decrease in TD E/I... such
> will also augment your positions, and do what's possible to secure
> the future for your Citizenries.

...there are "difficulties" inherent, the most significant of which is
that "learning", and its behaviroal consequences, follow a curved-path
"time" course... that is, when an unfamiliar stimulus is received, the
receiving nervous systems are not prepared, at a cognitive "level" to
respond to it "appropriately"... such cognitive "appropriateness" only
develops after TD E/I-minimization mechanisms within the receiving
nervous systems have done their randomness-reducing work upon the neural
activation "states" that the stimulus generates. the consequence of this
is that, by the "time" that the receiving nervous systems have achieved
TD E/I(in) sufficiently to allow the generation of cognitive-"level"
responses, the environment from which the original stimulus set arose
will, itself, have changed... so, before it can be put into practice,
the cognitive-"level" stuff, that's converged upon via TD
E/I-minimization, will have been "rendered useless" (AoK, Ap8).

such occurs all the time during "normal" interaction, where folks,
typically, use the interpersonal cognitive synchronization deficit as a
sort of "prying bar" with which they seek to "gain advantage" in ongoing
interaction... "modern" business practice has, in fact, "elevated" such
to a "high"-art.

when overall TD E/I is relatively low, these things, although
destructive of interactive possibilities, are relatively
inconsequential... everyone tends to chaulk them up to "human nature",
and get on with their daily routines.

but when TD E/I is relatively high, as is the case, these days, all over
the world, these cognitive-"curved-path" dynamics become the dynamics
that cause the "inwardly spiralling" interactive propensities that are
discussed in AoK, Ap8.

it's all straight-forward... TD E/I-minimization, which enables
cognition, occurs over a finite "time" course... but when TD E/I becomes
relatively-high within groups (from families to societies), nervous
systems' TD E/I-minimization capacities are exceeded in an accelerating
fashion. as a result, the degree to which TD E/I(min) can be achieved
decreases, decreasingly... and there comes a "point" at which this
results in enduring TD E/I becoming sufficiently high to trigger the
low-"level" supersystem configuration mechanisms (AoK, Ap5) to take over
control of neural-impulse traffic control.

if folks recall, it was these things to which i was referring, last
fall, when i stated that "we have about a year"... TD E/I has been
accelerating, around the globe, for decades... the onset can be traced
back to the Arab oil embargo... intermediate events included the Iran
hostage taking and all of the terrorism (TWA and World Trade Center, OK
City, etc., bombings)... in the last five years, individual acts of
"terrorism", including the sort that occurred, recently, in Littleton,
CO, and bombings in the "USSR", inter-group conflicts in Indonesia,
Africa, Pakistan and India, the starvation in North Korea, the economic
"cave-ins", the break-down of the Peace efforts in Northern Ireland,
etc.) ...have augmented... it's all "just" TD E/I augmenting, as abbove,
all over the world.

it's happened this way be-cause the "state" of weaponry, including the
proliferation of "nuclear" weapons, has, increasingly, caused
less-violent coping options to be "rendered useless"... a prime example
of such is in NATO's "to hell with 'talking', we've got the 'weapons',
let's just do it" knee-jerk "response" to augmenting TD E/I... the only
results of which have been the elevating of TD E/I so high in "Yugoslav"
nervous systems that, as a group, they "went amygdalar" (AoK, Ap5),
which triggered the slaughter of the not-self (non-Slav) population.

...it's =why= the understanding is needed... without it, folks can't see
how, in the "curved-path" of cognition's TD E/I-minimization formation,
all endeavor becomes automatically thwarted because TD E/I increases in
an accelerating fashion, which precludes cognitive functionality.

...the understanding ameliorates all of this... only "difficulty" is,
the understanding, itself, is acquired via the same, "curved-path"
cognitive TD E/I-minimization dynamics... so much of the "time" that
could've been used in achieving this TD E/I-minimization has been throw
out the window by the folks, "comprehending" bits and pieces of the
understanding's worth, chose to seek "profits" rather than allow the
understanding to be communicated... the result is the "fine fix" in
which "humanity" now finds itself.

...because of "learning's" "curved path", each "second" is, now, so

one more thing, my encouragement to, "respond to stuff that decreases TD
E/I with decisions that strengthen the actions that led to the decrease
in TD E/I...", is not to say, "be a wimp"... Truth =Is=...
"make-believe" fantasies will only augment TD E/I be-cause TD E/I is
"just" Thermodynamics which, via the one-way flow of energy from order
to disorder that is wdb2t, is tightly coupled to Truth... forsake Truth,
TD E/I augments... never-failingly.

Honor Truth... guard Free Will... become Human, at last.

fail at this, and become Savage servants of the "Beast", Abstract
Ignorance (the absence of understanding of how nervous systems process
information automatically in nervous systems which, nevertheless,
process information automatically), yet again... but, this time, armed
to the teeth with "nuclear" weapons.

draw back... =Think= then come together in understanding.

K. P. Collins

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