a couple of things...
Kevin Kunz wrote:
> Kevin Kunz wrote:
> >Happy Dog wrote:
>> > Kevin Kunz wrote:
> >
> > > Happy Dog wrote:
> > >
> > > > I was referring to this: "effects the proprioceptors which act on reiterative patterns
> > > > throughout the body to information share new information" Please explain...
> Deep pressure is important to body positioning. How can you tell you are upright with your eyes
> closed? Why don't you fall down when you stand up? What is all this organization going on and how
> does deep pressure contribute?
> If there are repeated patterns throughout
> the brain (homunculi) why can body parts such as the feet be homunculi as well. Think about it. Why
> wouldn't a redundant nervous system also share its body image with its external sensors?
because behavior is possible only to the degree that motor activation is integrated (to the degree that
TD E/I is minimized)... if any "subsystem" does not cooperate, in a globally-integrated fashion, it's
functioning elevates TD E/I, and is counter to survival. everything's integrated, except in the
"instant" of a "startle response" (which can be initiated anywhere on the body-environment interface,
including all sensory modalities, and internally, too, as in a sudden convergence upon "frightening
cognition)... but survival is dependent upon the "startle response" being quickly "whittled" (AoK, Ap5)
down to a TD E/I-minimized "state" within the global (integrated) system... "it takes a [whole nervous
system] to build [an image]".
btw, because it's been the case, despite my attempts to the contrary, that i've been actively blocked
from publishing my work in myographic array diagnosis (MAD :-), it's also the case that i hold all the
Patent Rights stemming from my work... it's a Sorrow... perhaps, one day, folks'll see that the only
way to the "profits" they seek is through the generalized Communication of the understanding...
otherwise, i'll end up owning everything that's built upon my work... i'll claim it, and give it to
those on whose behalves the work was done.
K. P. Collins