to save a mockingbird

ken collins kenpc at banet.net
Thu May 13 08:47:57 EST 1999

ken collins wrote:

> it's Spring where i live, and the mockingbirsd've returned to
> their nesting areas near the place where i work.

i saw one today, but there was no singing.


for those who have AoK, if you spend some "time" with Ap4's
discussion of "inversion", you'll see that the conflict in
"Yugoslavia" has elevated TD E/I worldwide...

...the result is that "small" things'll have "lagre" interactive
consequences... and these dynamics will unfold like a pendulum's
path... flip-flopping, back and forth, as folks' nervous systems
encounter the "zone of randomness", and "pop out of the 'other
side'"... which occurs with force commensurate with pre-inversion TD

we've seen such, recently, in China (a release from containment),
and, today, we saw it in Russia... all of the "small" conflicts
that've been going on... the economic crises in the "Soviet Union"
and much of Asia, Romania, the many years of "Yugoslavian" conflict,
Indonesia-Pakistan and India, the break down of the Peace process in
Northern Ireland, etc... all of these were "canaries in the mine

...the continuing rise in TD E/I is due to the great "rendering
useless" (AoK, Ap8) that followed the "end" of the Cold War...

sadly, the "containment" "strategy"... the "show of force" that
western "planners" "decided was necessary" as a "lesson" to all
Societies that would "explode"... has greatly-accelerated the
augmenting of TD E/I around the world.

it's the thing that has had me begging, for two decades, that the
understanding be communicated.

i ask those in Leadership positions, who have the understanding, to
use it in their decision making... respond to stuff that elevates TD
E/I with decisions that "soften, and absorb, the blow" (nothing more
is necessary, and deciding this way will bolster your own positions,
while, simultaneously, winning a reprieve for the chances of
Peace)... respond to stuff that decreases TD E/I with decisions that
strengthen the actions that led to the decrease in TD E/I... such
will also augment your positions, and do what's possible to secure
the future for your Citizenries.

it's a time to actively-Choose bold calmness... Lead by example.

Savagery is Unacceptable.

use the understanding... stand tall for the Honor of all Humanity...
leave no one out.

if you fail, you can use the dynamics of "Yugoslavia", with it's
recent bombing-triggered Society-wide "going amygdalar" (AoK, Ap5),
as a predictor for expecttions...

...ironic, isn't it? ...that "lightning" should strike twice in the
"same place"... today's bombing is the reflection of the Archduke's
assassination... both, hair-brained "decisions" in the midst of
elevated TD E/I throughout the world.

use the understanding.

K. P. Collins

[would that it had been generally-Communicated. KPC]

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