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From: Mailing List <mailinglist at the-scientist.com>
Sent: Monday, May 10, 1999 5:43 PM
Subject: THE SCIENTIST May 10, 1999 issue is now available
> Welcome to The Scientist contents alert service. The May 10, 1999 issue
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>> ---------------------------------
> Stories in this issue
> THE PRION PUZZLE: It is only a matter of time until research reveals the
> mechanism of perturbation that causes the spongiform encephalopathies,
> and maybe more.
>> MEDICAL MARIJUANA: As an issue on the cusp of science and social policy,
> the value of marijuana in medicine refuses to go away.
>> INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE DEBATE: Arnold S. Relman of Harvard Medical School
> and Andrew Weil of the University of Arizona Medical School discuss
> conventional and alternative disease treatments.
>> THE VIRTUAL CELL : A team of researchers at the University of
> Connecticut Health Center in Farmington is developing software to help
> model cellular processes.
>> TRYING TIMES: Studies are slowly restarting at the Veterans
> Administration Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System after a suspension
> in March.
> Letters: "Irony in Animal Models," By Leonard X. Finegold; "Open Up
> Ph.D. Training," By Terri Lee
>> Commentary: The EPA's War on Plants, By Henry I. Miller
>> Opinion: The NIH Postdoc Experience, By Ramie Leibnitz
> CONSCIOUSNESS STUDIES: Researchers are attempting to link the
> once-strange bedfellows of science and consciousness.
>> Hot Papers: Michael J. Eck of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and John
> Kuriyan of Rockefeller University discuss the Src-family kinases
> GROWTH IN PHARMACOGENOMICS: The application of genotyping to patient
> therapy will create jobs and opportunities for life scientists.
> Tools & Technology: HIGH-PROTEIN DIET: Protein Solutions' ProGest
> Digestion Station; PHAGE DISPLAY ALTERNATIVE: Invitrogen's Yeast Display
> Vectors; BENCH BUYS
>> LIGHT MINDED: Instruments for chemiluminescence and fluorescence
> measurements
>> TYR'D & TRUE: Immunochemical reagents and kits for studying tyrosine
> phosphorylation
> Intraflagellar transport; Gender-specific medicine; On a limb; Culturing
> brain marrow; A penny's worth of gas; Sniffing out olfaction.
>> See the latest Job Opportunities at:
>http://www.the-scientist.lib.upenn.edu/yr1999/may/job_list_990510.html>> -------------------------------------
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