On 10 May 1999 12:07:19 GMT, dag.stenberg at helsinki.nospam.fi wrote:
->Are you sure you define vigilance correctly?
I didnt dinfine, maybe thats my problem - without electrophysiological
definition of sleep (Loomis '36 5 stages, Dement und Klintmann '57 4
stages) - what is vigilance ? In my opinion it is the first stage of
sleep and so it must be related to increased alpha/theta - perhaps
with some bursts...
->What if you put your question in both English and Dutch, maybe
Sorry, german I m able to speak.
->It would also be helpful if you explained what your background is
->and why you want to know.
Im a neuropsychologist working on this issue. All I read and know is
the difference or modifikation in the freq.domain but the question is:
As more sleep is induced as more the eyes are closed - with closed
eyes the brain works "synchroniced" more alpha - that mean what does
the increased level of alpha freq. means ? sleep or closed eyes ?
(sorry about my english)
->Dag Stenberg