to save a mockingbird

ken collins kenpc at banet.net
Mon May 10 23:14:25 EST 1999

it's Spring where i live, and the mockingbirsd've returned to
their nesting areas near the place where i work.

i love mocking birds... wasn't always this way... once when i was
out of work, and, not being able to find employent, staying at my
parents' home, there was a mockingbird that would sit on the top
of the telephone pole that was outside my bedroom window... and
it would sing all night long.

being in a "rocking-in-the-cradle" (AoK, Ap8) "state", i found
the bird's singing to be "detestable". but one night, so as to
"document" the "offensiveness" of the bird's incessant racket, i
got out "Moe" and recorded the bird's singing... in the morning,
i listened to the tape, and was, forever, won over.

so, although the folks at work find it a bit amusing, when i'm
outside for a break during the mockingbirds' nesting season, and
the crows come around, and the mockingbirds give their
"thrrrrrrrrrr" territorial cry, i jump into action and chase off
all the crows that're in the area... the crows feed on the
mockingbirds' chicks... and i won't have it... i go running from
tree to tree shaking them until the crows fly out of them, and
away from the chicks.

(i've nothing, otherwise, against crows, and last summer, found
myself coming to their defense when they were in a "dog-fight"
with a hawk... scared it off by clanging a rock against the

there's something like the crow's predation happening among
Societies these days... my main concern, today, is with China...
the bombing of their Belgrade Embassy, for which i, on behalf of
my Country, Apologize, has led to demonstrations at the U. S.
Embassy in Beijing.

it's alarming that this's occurring in such close proximity to
the anniversary of the Tiannanmen masacre. You see, folks in
China, TD E/I is escalating.

while i agree that the NATO bombing is unacceptable, i ask the
leadership of China to lift up your People in calmness.

please try to understand that the folks that targeted your
embassy building are "just" rabidly-ignorant, and seek to calm
your People.

i saw Mr. Woolsey on PBS this evening. Sir, you're an arrogant,
ignorant, Jackass for making the comments you did... the
"perfect" example of the "coup" folks who've overthrown the U. S.
Constitution. (see me in Court? contact your colleagues... they
already have my address.)

Mr. President, today, in your apology to the Chinese People, you
said that the NATO bombing paled in comparison with the
"deliberate and systematic crime" of "ethnic cleansing" carried
out by the "Yugoslavian" Army... while i agree, that the actions
taken by the "Yugoslav" "military" are unthinkably reprehensible,
if you only consult with Mr. Woolsey, you'll find that the
actions of the "Yugoslav" "military" are not the only "deliberate
and systematic crime" that's involved.

the understanding that could've ameliorated everything in
"Yugoslavia" was withheld in the name of "profit$"...

..."what profits a [nation] if it gains the whole world, but
loses its soul?"

i ask you, even at this late date, to release strangle-hold
that's had the understanding in its grasp for the past 16 years.

K. P. Collins

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