it's interesting

ken collins kenpc at banet.net
Mon May 10 22:20:06 EST 1999

ken collins wrote:


> > and i'm left wondering if my genetic stuff materialized at the wrong coordinates of the Universe.

ok, so i've "criticised"... now, i'll try to help a bit...

if folks in Hollywood want to get on the right track, they should get together, and resolve, that it
should never again be the case that any Child "star" be tossed into the garbage bin when this or that
revenue-generating "production" is terminated.

make it a practice that, when a Child is signed on, a mandatory article of the contract that's set forth
include the funding of that Child's University education... that, regardless, of anything else, when the
Child comes of age to attend college, the Child, now a young adult, will attend college... i nominate Ms.
Jodie Foster and Ms. Brooke Shields, both of whom "risked all" to step out of the "lime-light" in order
to win for themselves Education. get together amongst yourselves... talk this up... Charity begins at

it just cannot be that your Children fall victim to the agony of being "outcasts", after their hopes've
soared so high in the white-heat to which your industry subjects their young existences.

and you know what? if you folks come together to do this one thing, for sure you'll find, in your coming
together to do it, all manner of inspiration with respect to your Art, which you'll, then, pass on to the
rest of Society... one cannot bend to the aid of Innocents without becoming strengthened, with respect to
such, forever.

[in memoriam: Dana Plato ?-May, 1999]

K. P. Collins

> but i watched a couple of Frank Capra flicks today, and was
> reminded that at least one other person saw things the way i
> do... _Mr. Deeds Goes to Town_, which is a funny take on my own
> experience... and _Mr. Smith Goes to Washington_, which is an
> unfunny take on the Same-Stuff. I was going to make it a
> "triple-feature", by watching _It's a Wonderful Life_, but
> decided that it'd just be "two" sad this night. Whenever i watch
> Capra's work, i'm left "wonderin'" why it is that folks in
> Hollywood, these days, seem to have such "difficulty" making
> movies that folks'll enjoy... but it struck me, today, that folks
> "move away from" portrayals like Capras because they're "afraid"
> of the "flack" they'd receive from all the commonplace criminals
> in high-places who'd presume that the Capra-like portrayals were
> "exposing" their predatory behavior... a glimpse into such is in
> the _Mr. Smith..._ movie... the Jean Arthur characer, Clarissa,
> is musing about how she wished she wasn't "so smart", or
> something like that, refering to all of the "back-room" hypocrisy
> that's widely considered to constitute "intelligence"... you
> know, "take advantage of the 'suckers'" "walk away with their
> money", etc., and consider that to be an indication of
> "intelligence" having been manifested...  it dawned on me that
> there's come to be a tacit "taboo" against doing Capra-like
> movies, which unabashedly promote moral values, because it's be
> "hitting 'two' close to home"... you know, "can't offend
> so-and-so [big-wig associate] by doing a movie that looks so much
> like the "life" he/she actually lives, and then expect to be
> invited on the party circuit"...
> ...it's sadly-hilarious... there it is... in its considered
> absence, a Confession.
> ...so, "two", with the considered absence of any publication of
> the understanding... only, one can't find even a scap of "humor"
> in the latter absence, can one?
> no... not with folks Choosing Savagery.
> K. P. Collins

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