In <7h5idl$7lj$1 at> "Carol E. Bryant"
<bryantacm at> writes:
- - - - - - -(snip) - - - - - - - - - - - -
>It seams to me what everyone is failing to see is the fact that I am
>that I know it was probably a TIA and yes it scares me. But what
scares me
>more it loosing the life, my life, that I just got back. Yes I want
>live, but not with the conditions of having to be hospitalized all the
>I know most of you have probably never been so ill that you LIVE in a
>hospital room for a year straight. Well I have and it was something I
>thought if I did everything would be ok and I could get on with my
>But unfortunately that was and is not true. What I am trying to say
is I
>just can't go though all the test, IVs, feeding tubes, surgeries
- - - - - -(snip) - - - - - - - - - - -
Treatment for TIA does not involve hospitalization (certainly not
long-term), feedilng tubes or surgeries; possibly IV very briefly, but
probably not.
UNTREATED, conditions which promote TIAs may lead to stroke, which may
indeed lead to long-term hospitalization and some invasive procedures,
and residual deficits far worse than you have experienced so far. Get
thee to a neurologist while you still have the chance (i.e., while you
are still able to do it on your own decision and on your own two feet)!
F. LeFever