EEG Vigilance/Sleep

dag.stenberg at helsinki.nospam.fi dag.stenberg at helsinki.nospam.fi
Mon May 10 07:07:19 EST 1999

Heiko Tietze <> wrote:
> Does anybody has experience with this subject ? The classical position
> is that vigilance is related to reduced frequency, more synchronized -
> alpha. But, in respect to the more frequently closed eyes this result
> is produced by the difference of closed vs open eyes ? 
> Greetings Heiko.

Are you sure you define vigilance correctly? 
Your last sentence I cannot even understand. 
What if you put your question in both English and Dutch, maybe someone
could sort out what you want to know. It would also be helpful if you
explained what your background is and why you want to know.

Dag Stenberg

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