Post doc. in neuroscience?

dag.stenberg at helsinki.nospam.fi dag.stenberg at helsinki.nospam.fi
Mon May 10 07:17:23 EST 1999

Bongjune Yoon <bjyoon at ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> I'm a graduate student finishing up possibly by the spring next year. I
> would like to know whether there is chance for a Ph.D who is trained in
> molecular biology and mouse genetics like me to get a post doc. position in
> neurobiology field. What exact field in neuroscience could use molecular
> genecists?  Or what field would you recommend? I'm not asking for a job
> opening yet, I just want to get some general ideas. 

Most fields might have use for a molecular geneticist. There are many
questions in developmental, sensory, motor and integrative
neurophysiology where one might want to know which genes are involved in
a behavior or disturbance. A PhD with training in molecular neurobiology
or genetics might be useful to find out which gene is involved (identify
it and measure its expression, in finding out its regulation
(situations, stresses, promoting and repressing agents, tissue-specific
regulation, possible transient regulation during development, etc.) One
might also want to trasfect in vivo, do antisense in vivo, create a
non-conditional or conditional knockout etc. 
  Fields could be e.g. motor neuron degenration, circadian rhythm
disturbances, sleep regulation, disorders of development, brain tumors, 
degenrative disorders like Alzheimer´s, epilepsy...
  While you might be very popular in a lot of different labs, there is
much to speak for going into a group large enough to be able to really
carry out the research, and create a learning environment for you. Being
the only molecular geneticist in a group of behavioral neuroscientists
or neurophysiologista with limited resources but endless wishes is not a
good idea.
Dag Stenberg
Dag Stenberg     MD PhD                    stenberg at cc.helsinki.fi
Institute of Biomedicine		   tel: (int.+)358-9-1918532
Department of Physiology                   fax: (int.+)358-9-1918681
P.O.Box 9        (Siltavuorenpenger 20 J)   
FIN-00014 University of Helsinki,Finland   

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