extreme trauma in early brain development

Katharina katharina.draegestein at stud.uni-hannover.de
Sun May 9 13:38:34 EST 1999

A. Getchel wrote in message <7h2a9b$n03$1 at bgtnsc01.worldnet.att.net>...
>does anyone know of any studies that explore how a baby's brain develops
>under extreme stress? like massive disruption of family life and external
I had a little "brother" who was one year old when he came into our family.
During the first year, he laid in his bed, always on the back, his father
didn't live with his mother and he didn't get enough to drink. He was to
weak to turn around, but his brain was ok. But he didn't say anything, even
did not make nearly any noise, until he had to go back to his family with
one and a half year.

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