New Intelligence

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sat May 8 13:46:41 EST 1999

>> Which sectors of the brain are (not) counted as "mind"?
>"The whole" is my answer. 

I stated for several areas which ones are (not) for me sectors of the
mind  before,  and am not in the mood to repeat that one, as I figure
who was interested paid attention to which ones I named as mind areas
and which as as not mind areas and which ones as special sectors.

>(couldn't resist. 

(Counting the cingulate gyrus and all areas of the sequencer and so on
as mind sectors, and your sleep stuff having having to do with
resistance of different areas in the brain I guess I better resist
commenting that one further...   ;-)

>Besides, I may be a 


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