Network level of brain

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sat May 8 13:40:37 EST 1999

(Maybe skip.)

gary at purdue.edu (Gary Jasdzewski) wrote:

>The brain can be studied at the following levels:
>Central Nervous System
>            |
>       Systems
>            |
>      Networks
>            |
>      Neurons
>            |
>     Synapses
>            |
>      Molecules

Rather Westie ones. I prefer the magic way on sense enhancers.

Someone said once on some sense enhancer he looked out of someone else
eyes and that person of his. Got the double view a bit already, but
never a swapping, though I never seriously tried for a while either.
But there mere thought of a double view maybe while (nearly) all
shareware and semi-shareware sectors are in energy links and then to
try to swap  certainly is far more interesting for old brain vampires
like me  as sort of one of THE brain sightseeing shows
than what for me would be more abstract outer ways to regard the brain
like you mention.

Like the difference of someone saying that apples can be regarded as
the core, seeds, the peel, the stuff below the peel and as molekules,
and me finding it more interesting to bite into the apple, eat it, and
if it were to interest me maybe plant the seeds and maybee even watch
a little tree grow and see the blossoms, and if I were to get into a
weird mood annoy the tree and try to stick a pear branch to it, as if
I recall right I once saw a tree where one side was apple and the
other pear.

What you wrote there is a very Westie way to regard it.

(Grin at the neurons without the glia, rather amused grin at the
molecules without the subatomic stuff.  
Studying the jungle by ignoring the jungle and staring at a few
molecules, a few selected systems, and trying explain the jungle that
way. How do you intend to get far without subatomic energies
understanding in the brain as used within telepathy? Measure energies
at synapses? Hunt after detail data no one has to not get obvious
stuff that has been known for thousands of years?
...The difference of a shaman flying with a bird and a neurologist
keeping a bird prisoner and mutilating the bird.)

>It is easy to find many examples of most these levels, but I am having
>trouble finding examples of the network level. 
Maybe because your list does not contain magic / subatomic energies.

Maybe because you try to limit "the network level" to neurons.

> Are real neural networks just groups of neurons that work together to perform some small task, 
How about you take all the glia and all the rest out of the area in
YOUR brain you are interested in, then you might find out some of the

>Can anyone give me an example of a network that involves the
>processing of language?
There is a sort of black island on the left side that the neuros call
something with Brocas, that one for me is the language structurer.


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