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There are people who like to take drugs, and it is custom that drug
suppliers get rich on them.
What bothers me more is that while on the Black Market though maybe
not from the seller but from others you are tending to get good mental
instructions and some O.K. health warnings, in psychiatry the aim
seems to be more to just sell drugs and not give even the degree of
warning and inner help dealing with them.
I am not sure if that is because there there are not that many
colleagues warning about what other colleages do and taking the stuff
themselves so that they can give inner advice, or if it is planned
with many of the drugs that receptor molecule numbers change and the
persons get addicted.
But some I really don't understand, like killer drugs like Prozac.
I figure it is one thing to mess someone up with drugs toll he depends
on them and keeps coming to you so you make money, and another thing
to give someone a drug altering human life protection programs, and
even after so many deaths keep giving such a dangerous drug to people.
If they just kill themselves on the drug, then I guess someone being
so utterly idiotic to take anything like prozac for too long and not
watching inside what it does on a level gets what he chose, but if it
are other people killed, if it were for me the prescribing person
would be handed over to the relatives or persons liking the dead one
most, and they can do with him what they want.
I do not understand how indirect murderers like those are left
unbothered to shovel money on the costs of others life.
This also goes for people hallucinating.
There are two old methods used around Earth on different continents by
different people(s) that have been effective for thousands of years as
long as human recollection goes backwards.
In places in Europe like here they murdered the people with the
healing knowledge of the old religion and nearly complety deleted the
healing knowledge, and instead of admitting that that was not the most
wise thing to do and ask the others for data, with their little fart
of knowledge not even a thousand years old Westies are trying to play
First World in the Universe and do not even get some of the merest
basics of the methods used on the third world around this sun.
If someone drugs someone who has problems hallucinating for days in a
row, not even bothering to go for either or both of the two old
powerful methods, and than eventually that person gets also physically
more messed up and kills him/herself, again I regard that alike
If the traditional methods for some reason should fail or the person
insists that they do want drugs or are very content with them, I do
not mind,
but I do mind if old methods that are highly effective are not used
and instead psyjunkytry is shovelling money at the cost of life.
And while on the Black Market at least usually people who go there are
wanting to go there and it is their idea, in psyjunkytry some of the
people go there hoping for inner help and do not get it, because
neurology is still playing the old game of not admitting where we are
in the brain, psychology when I took a look at it 8 years ago was IMO
is lagging back even behind erratic Scientology, the whole bunch of
them tends to be sense censored, and in psychiatry IMO you simply make
more money if you get the person addicted and get them to come back
every few weeks for months and years for new drug prescriptions,
instead of making a tiring long session of one to several days when it
is needed, and be finished in a few days and have the person O.K.
enough again, as is custom in many other cultures, in some of which
the son is said to learn from the father and grandfather, go with them
and observe them in their healing works, and when he reaches adult age
around 14 to study for serious for about a decade or a bit more, to
then be a healer as well.
And given some iof the data one hears from there I guess I could spend
a decade with it and not get it, while with psychiatry I guess if I
were interested for serious it would take me less than half that time
to pass the relevant tests.
But I figure it is not exactly THE secret that in Europe the healing
knowledge of thousands of years was nearly completely destroyed and
that they are not back into it for a thousand years yet, and that
there is a policy for the branches of the ruling, and that in places
like here sort of the new KZ method seems to be that two doctors of
psychiatry make the signature and then some other folks of the ruling
see to it, and as long as the person has not enough support outside,
after a few shots for the right places in the brain they are a walking
veggie, and the walking might be a bit shaky.
Can be publicly represtented as nuts afterwards.
As simple as that.
And far more effective as KZ, as outside there are less traces, and
the inside targetting can be done better to the centers.
Of the mental healers of Earth I am not sure the how highest suicide
rate after people went into contact with them psycvhiatry has, but it
is obvious that the number is very high and that one does not tend to
heaar about numbers like that from places where the people are not
warped for days with drugs and where the healing ceremony is done in
traditional old effective ways not of someone sense censored, but to
the opposite a highly trained person in such.
So I figure if someone goes to psyjunkytry he either wants it, or he
is so idiotic, that he does not first get the idea to find out which
of the branches of Earth is most suited for him or at least suited
enough and in range.
If it were for some of the ruling there'd just be the branches of the
ruling and all the thousands of others would not exist, neither the
thousands of years old ones nor the far more modern ones than theirs.
If the sheep ruled want that for themselves, than that is their
I figure its their kidneys, their liver, their receptormolecules,
their areas of the brain and their choice what they are doing to
If people want to, IMO they can stick themselves full to the brim on
drugs and have others thrive on the money.
I take my drugs, and I enjoy most of them,
and there are other people profiting of that,
so why should others not take their drugs
and have people profiting of it.