classic book on neuroscience?

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sat May 8 13:39:15 EST 1999

As total layman be aware that neuroscientists are sense censored alike
Catholic fashion and therefore tend to try to reduce important
functions in the brain to generalized neurons (mostly ignoring glia
and also tending to ignore the very important subatomic aspects of
communication in the brain), tend to regard the brain without the
body, refer to the mammal consciousnesses using just the singular and
just for humans, officially tend to ignore the own limbic I sites
because the cutting around in the hippocampal areas of persons of
other mammal races, mutilating them, keeping them prisoners, etc.
 in its law implications would show neuroscience for what it is if
that were admitted, and make the deeds done to persons of other races
also officially what they are, 
and since that is to be avoided in order not to lose the "test
animals", data is ignored IMO on intention and instead all sorts of
silly theories are made up seeming to aim at finding a reason why
humans are ever so special.

I have a book here where the author keeps describing the brain from
the frontal cortex.

That is sort of two remote from where I perceive myself within the
brain.  Being born a bit late I am handicapped in optical imagination
powers, and I found it real hard to try to keep having to try to shift
from my perspective of the brain to another one, and as lots of MBD
know that we having own main I location in the cholinergic limbic
system and the main places for Alzheimer damages are not exactly a
secret to neuro, I kept thinking "how silly can one get in the attempt
to try to make humans more special".  The author basically tried to
make the front an independent thinker, and though apart from me there
is another thinker, so that there are at least two, some outer front
neocortex site certainly never evere registered as having independent
thinking powers to me, and none of the brain surfers who for me
registered as most remarkable sources of brain data of Earth ever said
that the front has independent thinking capacities.

Since basically among the brainsurfers a number of areas are known,
and there is congruent data of people of different lands and different
languages, I figure that the only reason not collecting that data and
commenting the data accuracy of the source in general and then
structuring theories to heed that is, that neurology is needing some
inner justification why not to treat other mammals and birds as
persons  but declare them possessions and do gross deeds to them.

I recommend when reading classic books on neuroscience, to well
discern between facts and theories.

Their facts tend to be correct, many their theories tend to be up tp
outright silly and funny, if imagining this for real.

Stupid example, if the front had own independent thinking powers and
was another consciousness in the brain, I believe humans would go
short of utterly insane.
I do not know all of the brain, but of what I perceived to an extent
there is only one that is conscious AND can think, though there is
another conscious one and another thinker. If one were to add another
who is conscious and can think the chaos that I guess would result is
funny to contemplate. 

That's what I mean with that in their attempt to create justifications
for their deeds the theories at times get outright funny if you know a
bit about the brain.

So stay aware within all that energy measuring that they never got to
understand many of the subatomic aspects nor many of the energies of
the brain for which several other peoples of Earth are having most
data (experts from India, Red Indians, Australia ...), and that there
might be many attempts to ignore the own I in the cholinergic limbic
system and to place it elsewhere where humans have more neurons 
than most other mammals, to make us special 
and the deeds to men and women of other mammal races 
seeming deeds to some desexualised possessions.

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