To Roger Steele

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sat May 8 13:38:53 EST 1999

The alarm clock startled me up a few minutes ago, and I wondered if I
had been dreaming before or not, and it resulted with that it had been
seeming to be a rather low-level contemplations about parts of your
questions, while the sequencer had been on sleep-mode.

Afterwards followed some more thoughts,
and the garbled whole meeses up to something to do with theorizing
about data channel in the double helix running different akasha if on
transcending ranges vibing too far along with the wrong artificial
ranges, and the sequence for the produced chains of stuff changing,
and that if a cell with the wrong sequence were produced able to
proliferate  this might have to do with your question about
enlightenment and cancer.

If you were of the old belief here, I'd might try for The Sky marries
Earth and their child is of energies between Earth and the Sky
symboled by lightening and thunder, 
and Thor marries Siph, "die Sippe", the clan.

(Because the akasha of clans is intertwined with stages of akasha
between Earth and the universe, 
if ripping metals and other substances out, changing the vibes &
akasha of Earth and the harmonies, forcing substances together that
would not be by nature, sending artificial ranges into the subatomic
structures of beings,
and according to a different lore ignoring the universal symbol of
Luzifer, for a being of energies who creates without caring if what is
created and that is in harmony with the rest and that standing for
evil, and follwing Lucifer's example,
the results are altered akasha that is not good.)

If you were here and into drugs and not caring for your health I guess
I'd share the remains of a spaceship-E, then one of a last old special
dragon trip that chemically altered to a not healthy but fascinating
drug  where I had already been tempted against all wisdom to ask Dag
if he is interested (only apart from that he's not the type and might
not appreciate the fascination of studying what can be done with that
one, he evaded an indirect question why he abuses other mammals for
tests but himself would not volunteer for being human test mammal for
sleep energy research for old brainvampires like me, so for me I know
it is O.K. for him injuring others, as long as it is not himself, 
and he just went down on some inner scale towards being Westie to the
extent that some last thoughts about it might be fun to turn him
towards White Magic centered on sleep energies went out the symbolic
chimney, as Black Magicians there are enough already without adding
another sicko abusing data on persons of other mammal races. And in
his way he insists upon that keeping other mammls prisoners to abuse
them and I hate such.)
Basically when smoking grass on the mix I just mentioned at some Love
Parade (techno festival in Berlin where the West-Germans herd in and
we turn the Tiergarten Park into a trampled rubbish bin) I felt like a
walking cancer danger sensor.
Three sense enhancers and three times erratic stuff in the systems
seemed to be quite impressive in this.

I guess it would work with a newer stuff as well, as the old one I do
not want to mix with other stuff, but run some sort of final research
stuff with it. And there is someone who let me brainvampire in
fascinting ways and has good enough natural security systems to
catapult me out of his heads systems if I mess up for too serious,
and if I "rewire" him for magic brain energy perception on some normal
dragons far enough, he might be an interesting one for that one, as he
is one to appreciate the fascination of it, and to me seems a kind
person with no links to Westie branches.

If you got far enough in transcending perception, if taking a mix like
mentions, it is possible to use it for finding out about many of the
biggest cancer dangers around.
However as such such mix I regard as a very hightened cancer risk, and
if you are already maybe prone to it, that might not be the right way.

Same going for a transfer.

Usually on my own I do not really care for all this Westie stuff or
why what is, as if I get something like cancer potential alert! Stage
(my own slang for wayyys past red,) "violet alert"... Then I do not
really ask if a source is identified for that or certain ranges that I
have tuned to, if some Westie with complicated terms can irxtlwrrx me
his proof that this is so and why.
I tend to go away to where there is less danger, or if it is like the
dangers like here where I live, try to make energy settings in my
systems so that there is not that much danger.

I cannot really explain you that one.

With some people I invite them if they have a question and vibe them
data for that into their sytems on LSD, but if you already had cancer
I regard it as a really bad idea to stick LSD into you and braintune
you for some of the dangerous ranges till you know what I mean.

Sorry, I guess this was a bit chaotic and not the explanations you
were looking for,
but since you advertised someone where here in bionet.neuroscience it
sounded like they understand enlightenment, if that person is a good
teacher for such, I assume there should be teaching powers for that.

I am an LSD teacher, not an enlightenment teacher, and am a nerd 
and like to be a nerd and like to remain a nerd, so no aspiration for
becoming a Buddha.

For me the Buddhas, Red Indian healers, Jesus, Australian and other
energy workers are sort of like remote semi-colleagues with different
belief, different branches and different skills, where many of them I
believe me MBD weirdo could not reach them even if I were not to
regard myself as the Reincarnation of the Goddess of Laziness, and
most worrrk to suck.

That's like with telekinetics; on LSD to show someone interested how
to train for it is simple, but to really practice and learn it is
regarded by many here as unhealthy, as Black Magic, and might take
many years of hard training before even moving a few grams
telekinetically, and this is not the place where you sit down in some
temple and have nearly all the time you want to spend on training for

It does interest me with several other branches what they are into,
and also at times I train people of other branches for part of their

LSD is a powerful sense enhancer, and such can be used in the energy
works as an unhealthy shortcut  and also for special areas where IMO
the same can not be done sober.  On LSD with students advanced beyond
basics stuff I can teach about remote prestages to enlightenment if I
want to.  Just as I said, the cancer dangers here in Berlin are very
powerful, and there are people protesting when on fourth level my
sytems instinctively tune for a few of the natural human telepathic
ranges where many of them are blocked with artificial ranges of the
Westies, so that a more natural telepathic communication here between
brain is basically no longer possible.
Which I regret, as it is my personal opinion that (like India for
telekinetics and Red Indian magic for the arts of dreaming and using
hallucinating) Germanic magic is traditionally having a certain
reputation for special forms of telepathy.  I believe that there is
very much data of so many thousands of years lost this way.
There are very few here left who still know a bit about this, and we
do not tend to tune the natural ways anymore.
I regard this like so much other data destroyed by Christians &
Westies among the great data losses of human data about the mind.

Maybe you better ask someone who knows more about this than me, and
maybe someone of your language and closer to your way of thinking and
naming things.

I am more familiar with Second Face, Third Eye, akasha surfing and
other expressions where English is not close enough to translate them.
When Carlos Castaneda uses "seeing" or you use "enlightenment" I sort
of get what you folks mean. Different branches, different
specializings, but the human base is alike.  ;-)

Sorry that I cannot even offer you LSD teaching about what you ask, as
IMO having had cancer and taking LSD might have a health compatability
below that of a fist to an eye.

Really better ask someone else about it.

And as long as you do not understand the cancer and the moral aspects
to do with enlightenment, I suggest not to advertise in forms for it
that might not be wise.

Maybe you should first reach partial enlightenment, as far as it is
possible to get near enlightement without to high a health risk in the
artificial vibes you live in, and that are in you, 
and also understand the powers and possiblilites of abuse better when
having reached  enlightenment.

(Not that I follow my own advice...  ;-)  


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