Please Help, I Think I had a STROKE!!!!

Carol E. Bryant bryantacm at worldnet.att.net
Sun May 9 00:40:28 EST 1999

I hope you can understand this because most of the words I have to use to
describe this are not words I normally use.

Here is a little background information regarding my health.  I am a
30-year-old woman who had a hysterectomy at age 20.  I was deathly ill for
five years with stomach ulcers and extremely mal-nourished because of the
ulcers.  A year ago, after many surgeries, I had my stomach removed.  I am
slowly building up my weak body, which was a whopping 82 pounds and now
stands a lot stronger at 113 pounds.

Now to the event.  I have always had these horrible headaches and last night
was no exception.  I have had test done on my brain and various other parts
but nothing ever showed up.  My head was pounding and I was throwing up when
I stood up to turn off the light (because light hurts when I get these
headaches) and this extremely sharp crippling pain shot through my head.  I
turned and looked at the computer I was working on (I sure it had nothing to
do with me having a headache) and I could not see out of my right eye.  Now
my face, head, neck and upper shoulder blade area are NUMB.  Not like with
pins and needles but numb it is more like they are not there anymore.  If I
pinch hard I can feel pressure but touch and awareness of having these areas
is almost completely gone.  I do see out of my eye but the peripheral
(spelling ??  I mean side vision) is gone. Prior to this I have on several
occasions had bright light flashing in my eyes and loud sounds in my ears.

I know, you are probably saying to yourself, "Hey, why doesn't she go to her
doctor."  Well, let me see if I can explain.  I just got over a five-year
illness and I spend almost all five years in the hospital doing tests and
having so many surgeries my surgeon doesn't even know.  I don't want to die,
but please understand I know by going to the doctor and finding out I am ill
again      well      I don't know what is worse.  Hopefully, you won't

I guess my questions are:


If so, what do I do I mean go to the doctor on Monday or hospital now?

If not a stroke, what does it sound like may have happened?

Will I get feeling back in these areas?

Could the numbness move to other areas?

Is this common with severe headaches?

Could I die if I don't seek medical treatment?

If you are unable to determine anything by what I have written, could you
just Email me and let me know?  Thank you, I an extremely appreciative of
your time.

Carol E. Bryant
bryantacm at worldnet.att.net

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