i've recently spent some "time" in alt.psychology.nlp... i
presume that the discussion is still there... it went much the
same as it always goes in any online forum, only the "weirdness"
was more-greatly magnified than any i've experienced elsewhere.
i'm considering giving up my internet account... it's been a
waste... all the "tests", and the accusation that flows uniformly
through them are a sorrow... people are suffering greatly because
the understanding has been withheld from them... currently,
there's massive slaughter, soon to escalate, in "Yugoslavia"...
for no other reason than that the understanding has been
...and yet, everywhere i try to get a discussion started, even
though it's clear folks know what i'm talking about, folks still
do the most awesomely-incredible things with respect to my
efforts to win a hearing for the understanding... i'm treated
like some demented, criminal type.
i confess... my "crime" of disclosing the "Beast" that lives in
folks' flesh, transforming them into savages.
this year, things've augmented even off the net... it's all been
so brutal... it's an "hysteria" in which i'm treated, not as a
Human Being, but, rather, like some inanimate object with respect
to which folks're stumbling over one another to "report" the
"latest stuff".
it's all been so sorrowfully-"interesting"... it seems that
there's no one who's "gotten" the fact that it's been upon their
behalves that i've worked... which makes it all the more
"surrealistic"... imagine seeing folks in grave danger taunting
the one who holds open the "door" that leads out of such, and
you'll get a sense of what i mean.
"academia" puts the absence of "credentials" before itself.
"government" commits Murder to cover-up its theft.
"journalism" dances around, feigning "ignorance"...
"business" doesn't even bother to cover-up.
all the while, every day a new record is set for the
most-dangerous day that Humanity has yet encountered... and
everyone sits "paralyzed".
everywhere, there're wild stories about who i am, and what i'm
"up to"... told episodically, like the installment of some sick
soap opera in which everyone's a script writer... and folks watch
with glee as i try to wade through all the twists and turns of
the weird "plots" they've woven... "perish the thought that
anyone should ever meet with him in person. i've heard he reads
minds. i've heard he's out to overthrow the government. i've
heard he's out to trash everything. so on. so forth." (look and
see, all such has been inherent in the posts directed to me.)
but all i am is a guy who Honors Truth and Guards Free Will.
i'll continue to do so, even though it's to the point at which
folks're not becomming more determined than ever to withhold the
understanding... because folks're realizing what great fools
they've been... and like Children caught in a lie, folks're
jumping through hoop after hoop to declare, "I didn't do it."
this, even though i, long ago, gave my Word that, after the
understanding is communicated, i'd just "go away"... it's all
such a Waste... and i'm left wondering if my genetic stuff
materialized at the wrong coordinates of the Universe.
i won't abandon you, but perhaps it's "time" for folks to
go-it-alone for a while.
ken colins