Can't really help you.
Someone I once knew tended to scan energies of his partner using his
hand a few centimeters above her head when she had a headache.
He once told me a complicated load of stuff about different sorts of
headaches and how to treat the different sorts.
One, if I recall right, was to do with a higher tingling sort of field
that could be tracked to the body, though on the other side than where
the headache is in the head, and massaging there would make it go
Another was to do with the site in the head and generating magic
powers with the hand and moving the energies to specific other other
places and altering them, and then followed a load of other
complicated stuff I mostly forgot.
But his partner confirmed that it was very effective. And I know that
not using his hands but other energy sites he has range powers of over
a meter distance. So I took it quite serious what he said there.
However I guess if I were to try to scan with my hand a bit above the
head of someone with pains there for different energies of different
areas and then also of the body, and try to locate the source and
then try different experiments with pushing and altering the energies,
I guess I'd make it worse.
Then again, trial and error, if I had not other method I might try it
anyway for a while if the other one does not mind and believes it
can't get that much worse anyway.
(As MBD LSD teacher I'd try something else first with my partner,
who's about level 4 on such, and both of us often don't mind a risk or
two, grin, but I guess that's not for more average folks.)
Good luck!