mass demyelination cranial fossa arachnoid cycst

d a x at nospam.com
Fri May 7 09:29:31 EST 1999

x-no-archive: yes

My neighbor posted this message using my e-mail account.  Her son
occasionally has been having perplexing episodes of "seizures" or blackouts
accompanied by vomiting at stressful school situations.  He is only 17 years
old and in classes with more one-on-one attention and tutoring in his
Sophomore year of high school.  He has a lot of trouble understanding
mathematics and arithmetic.  He had early speech delays and early behavior

The NYC doctors found a growth the size of a small egg in his brain but they
said this growth did not cause the seizures (or whatever they were).  They
said the growth has been there since infancy.  Has it always been this size?
If so, it would have taken up a larger percentage of his cranium.  It may
explain his early speech and behavior differences.

She is interested in knowing what his prognosis will be and any restrictions
that the growth will cause him in life.  She needs to know if he MUST have
this growth removed.  How does one find a super competent surgeon?  The
family has good insurance coverage that allows them to take their child to
see doctors both in the capital district of upstate NY and in New York city.

d a wrote in message <7gt3f0$7sf$1 at bgtnsc03.worldnet.att.net>...
>x-no-archive: yes
>What are the restrictions on a left middle cranial fossa arachnoid cyst of
>17-year old with no mass effect
>two blackouts at 15 years, seizure-like episode two months ago .
>Echo-cardiogram normal.

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