.;::I want an MRI of my brain to keep::;.

d a x at nospam.com
Thu May 6 17:13:25 EST 1999

x-no-archive: yes

I was given a copy of the MRI from the neurologist who requested it.

Rowland C Hill wrote in message
<7g3qt6$3q5$1 at nclient3-gui.server.virgin.net>...
>My name is Rowland and about 2 years ago I developed Hydrocephalus. In that
>time I have had 13 brain operations and for a while I had 3 shunts, one in
>each ventricle and one draining a cyst. At the moment I have 2 shunts. I am
>told that I am a very complicated case. The nearest my Doctors can give me
>to a reason for this is Sarcoidosis (an abnormal build up of calcium which
>has blocked the CSF flow) I have had more scans than I care to remember
>CT and MRI. I have got copies of some of my CT scans but the MRI prints are
>prohibitively expensive. Some have said that I have a bit of a morbid
>fascination with all this, but it is my brain, after all! Does anybody know
>how I can get copies of an MRI of my brain without having to pay for them,
>research maybe? When I refine my web design skills I am hoping to put up a
>page with the rather sorry tale of my soaking cerebellum! Can anyone help

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